Marcy wants to help people who are thinking about divorce, separated, or already in the divorce process.
The divorce statistics are staggering.
Almost 50% of first marriages, 67% of second marriages, and 73% of third marriages are ending in divorce. “It’s time we do it better,” Marcy asserts. “I want to help keep people out of what I call the ‘legal vortex’ and help put them back in the driver’s seat, rather than with lawyers or in the legal system, so they can go through the process more ‘gracefully’ in a way that preserves their relationships. It’s still a challenging time, but it doesn’t have to be the nightmare it turns into for so many people. Especially if children are involved, it’s important that mom and dad still be able to talk to each other and get along.”
About Marcy Jones
Marcy Jones is an author, speaker, lawyer, coach, and advocate for change – change in the way lawyers represent clients in divorce, change in the legal system, and change in the way people divorce. She has practiced family law since 1995, going to law school after her own divorce and with two young children at home.
Marcy has worked as a domestic violence prosecutor and as a private practitioner specializing in collaborative divorce and mediation. She’s also a certified personal coach.
She has just published her first book called Graceful Divorce Solutions: A Comprehensive and Proactive Guide to Saving You Time, Money, and Your Sanity. She wrote this book to get essential information to people BEFORE they go to a lawyer to enable them to make the best choices for themselves and their family.
Her ultimate goal is to help people go through divorce better–with integrity and dignity.
Jory Fisher says
On Wednesday, June 9th, I interviewed Marcy Jones, JD about a sensitive subject….divorce. Marcy is an ardent advocate for change: change in the legal system, change in the way lawyers represent clients in divorce, change in the way people divorce each other, and change in the effect divorce has on children. Marcy spoke to us about a gentler process called “collaborative divorce” and about her book entitled Graceful Divorce Solutions. You can find out more about Marcy and her passion to help others go through challenging times with integrity and dignity by visiting her website and blog at
Marcy’s coaching suggestion for our listeners is helpful whether you’re going through a divorce or some other challenging situation. She suggests that you write down answers to the following questions before taking action:
1. What’s important to you? Get below the surface. What are your deepest values and desires?
2. What do you want your life to look like a year from now? Five years from now? What do you want your life to look like when your divorce—or some other life transition—has passed?
3. What kind of experience do you want this to be for you? Will you just “let it happen” to you or will you be proactive, figure out your options, and be intentional about how you go through this transition?
I invite you to listen to Marcy’s interview and tell me what you think.