At a very young age, Nat Couropmitree, life coach and founder of, remembers asking himself, “Why am I here? What’s my purpose?” Growing up, he kept on asking himself these questions and often found no real value in his existence or any lasting happiness. Nat thought something was wrong with him, and he strove to fix it. He participated in many personal growth programs; he jumped from job to job, career to career, one business opportunity to the next. Each new experience brought excitement, inspiration, and success, but none of it was lasting. None of it was enough until Nat changed the way he approached his life. It was through his struggles and frustrations that Nat discovered a new way of living that inspires him every day. He joins us to share new perspectives and steps you can take to feel fulfilled and to enjoy a life with purpose.
About Nat Couropmitree
Nat Couropmitree supports clients internationally as a life coach and as the host of the popular weekly radio show, Law of Attraction Success Radio. He supports his clients to see the root cause of their frustrations, challenges, and struggles and then effectively empowers them to shift away from those patterns. He supports his clients to reinforce and expand their new and improved reality by helping them develop new self-nurturing habits. Nat is very skilled at taking the insurmountable and transforming it into the doable through the use of simple action steps. He loves helping his clients to see that they already have within them all the tools they need to make the profound life changes they desire.
To learn more about Nat and to listen to his radio show, visit
Nat’s Coaching Suggestion
Nat has found that being passionate and purposeful requires us to know what we personally want in life—to know what makes us happy and brings us joy. To become clear about what we truly want, he suggests the following:
- Create two columns on a piece of paper.
- In the first column, write down everything you don’t like and don’t want.
- In the second column, write down everything you do like and do want (which is often the opposite of whatever you wrote in column one).
- Make room for what you want in your life now by actually scheduling it into your day and week. This will help change old patterns that may be keeping you from a life full of purpose and joy.
Nat’s Quote for the Day
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do it! Because what the world needs are people who have come alive.” ~Dr. Howard Thurman
I had a lot of fun being a guest on your show. Thanks so much for being such wonderful hosts!
On July 7th, Beth and I interviewed Nat Couropmitree, life coach and host of the popular radio show Law of Attraction Success Radio. Nat, who grew up with little self-esteem and no self-confidence, had developed a set of core beliefs that kept him from becoming the passionate and joyful person he is now. It wasn’t until he changed the way he saw himself—letting go of his self-judgment—that he was able to feel fulfilled and excited about life each and every day. You can learn more about Nat through his website As a special offer to our listeners, you’ll receive a $50 discount on his Beyond the Overwhelm program if you go to this link and use the coupon code HEARTSOUL. Nat invites you to contact him personally at 617.332.9659 if you have any questions regarding his interview or programs.
Would love to hear what you think of Nat’s interview!