Learn three essential ingredients to clarify your life purpose and purpose-driven career or business.
Move from the realm of goal setting and accomplishments into fulfilling your destiny and creating a passion-based career.
Find out what to do when you have SO many business ideas that you don’t know where to start.
“When we allow ourselves to be a creative channel, rather than a slave to our to-do lists and linear thinking, we enter into co-creativity with Spirit and each other.” Laura continues, “This brings resources, lasting change, and realization of vision. Ninety percent of our perceived reality is governed by the subconscious mind, where memories of every time we were made to feel like we aren’t ‘Enough’ are stored. Learn how to move through the fear, listen to your intuition, and discover what it really takes to live a purposeful career.”
About Laura Rice
Laura Rice, MA, CLC is an award-winning speaker, life purpose & business coach, and life purpose expert. Laura is the founder of Purpose2Prosperity and author of the “Six Simple Step System to Unlock your Life Purpose and Make Money Living it.” Five years ago, Laura was working a dead-end job that was causing a health crisis in her life and draining her vital life-force energy. In two short years using all the Purpose and Empowerment Tools that she now teaches, Laura has moved across the country to sunny Santa Cruz, CA, where she’s always wanted to live, and started a thriving coaching practice with clients all over the world, helping women discover their life purpose, transition out of their day jobs, and start their own successful businesses. Laura speaks to groups all over the country and has inspired thousands of people to clarify their purpose and create businesses they love.
You can find out more about Laura Rice at her website, www.Purpose2Prosperity.com.
Laura’s Coaching Suggestions
1) Make a spiritual practice out of noticing when and what you’re choosing. When are you “in choice”? When are you not? What choices are you making?
2) Make a list of beliefs you’ve inherited from your family and determine which ones you should keep and which ones you should let go. (For example, “Making money is hard.” Keep or let go?)
Laura’s Quote for the Day
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it, because what the world needs are people who have come alive.” ~Howard Thurman
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Jory Fisher says
On November 10, 2010, Beth and I interviewed life purpose expert Laura Rice on how to live a passionate and fulfilling life. Laura enthusiastically described the joy of having clarity; choice; congruency; compassion; and a client-centered, non-traditional career. Laura shared numerous insights, including:
• Clarity comes by deeply listening to God;
• We should strive for progress, not perfection;
• We don’t have to be experts to “get out there”; and
• We need to find people we can trust who will support our quest to fulfill our vision.
Laura’s highly acclaimed Women on Purpose Tele-Summit is available at a generously discounted price to Heart & Soul listeners. She shares the listener coupon code with us during this interview or you can email Laura at Laura (at) Purpose2Prosperity.com for details.
Laura will inspire you to live a life of purpose and joy.
Would love to know what you think of this interview!