With the symbol of infinity in your mind’s eye, consider the relationship between joy and gratitude. The more gratitude, the more joy. The more joy, the more gratitude. They flow together, blend together, dance together, play together. Maya Angelou got it right. “A joyful spirit is evidence of a grateful heart.”
How easy it is to dwell on the negative! How natural it is to focus on what’s wrong rather than what’s right! Imagine the infinity symbol again—the less grateful we are for what we have, the less joy we manifest. Am I right?
My beautiful mother, God rest her soul, struggled with depression and low self-esteem. She never seemed to “own” her unique purpose for being on this earth or appreciate her myriad gifts and talents. Instead, she saw the world through the lens of what she didn’t have. The more she complained, the less joy she had. The less joy she had, the more she complained.
Don’t we all have a tendency to do the same thing? The term “pity party” comes to mind. If we’re to fulfill our life’s purpose with joy and gratitude, however, we must break free from the wicked cycle of “stinkin’ thinkin’.”
In the apostle Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he says, “….whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. … And the God of peace will be with you.” (Phil. 3: 8-9) I don’t know about you, but I definitely experience shifts in my thinking whenever I count my blessings…whenever I look around and see the beauty that surrounds me. Cheerful smiles. Glorious sunsets. Children at play.
Mindset is key. How do you maintain a joyful spirit? Do you?
Joyfully (most of the time),
Photo by Flickr (Andrew Syiek)
I SO needed to read this post tonight, Jory. Thank you. I disappointed someone today – it was really a misunderstanding….but I think she saw it as a flaw in my character. It hurts. And the more it hurts, the more I want to focus on it and lower my energy vibration. I am tempted to dive into all of the negatives in my world. And yet, how will that serve me?
Better to celebrate all of the beautiful experiences I have in my world – and all of the people that tell me how much I uplift them.
My experience today was just that – an experience. It will be resolved. And until then, I am going to place my focus on all the GOOD in my world.
Let your light shine, Maripat. We need you out here! Thank you for uplifting us time after time after time.
Jory, this is perfect timing. It’s interesting how what we focus on really does expand. One of my favorite “tools” for increasing my gratitude is keeping a gratitude list. I use an application on my iPhone (Gratitude Rock) that allows me to keep a daily gratitude list plus up to three photos. When I’m really “on” with gratitude, it’s fun to watch for the moments during the day and to snap a quick photo for later listing. It’s a great reminder that opportunities for gratitude always exist, if only we (I) keep watching for them.
I’m grateful for your sharing!
Just the words that I needed to hear today. Thank you for sharing the story of your mom. It is encouraging to know that you could have chosen the same path as your mother. You instead select joy and gratitude. God has selected you to bring that message of joy, hope, laughter and love to HIS people, wherever they might be. Rejoice and be glad!
Diane and Julie, you’ve given me just the words that I needed to hear today as well! Thank you and bless you both. May your words be an inspiration to many.
This is such a lovely thought. Thank you for this.