“My life is overwhelming. I feel like I’m fighting with everyone including myself. I don’t remember what happy feels like.” Do you have any of these thoughts and feelings? These sentiments, which can intensify in midlife to the level where they can no longer be ignored, are common for women. What do you do when you’re frustrated and completely out of touch with joy? You recapture it!
Not everyone has the wonderful opportunity to transform their life by stepping out of the routine of it and into picturesque Provence as Marge Piccini did. Listen in as Marge shares some of the lessons she learned from Provence that helped her recapture her joie de vivre. They can help you too!
About Marge Piccini
Marge helps women rediscover and reclaim their authenticity–who they really are. This reconnection is an essential step towards living the life of your dreams–one with meaning, fulfillment, and joy.
While navigating a period of life transition over 15 years ago, Marge made a profound discovery: everything she was seeking was deep inside of her. Unfortunately, it was locked in a vault and buried so deep that she couldn’t reach it. In 2007, while navigating her most intense life transition to date, Marge found the keys to that locked vault and began to tap into its vast wisdom. Now she teaches others to do the same.
According to Marge, the key to success is authenticity—knowing who you are and the unique value you deliver; being connected to your passion and purpose; and carrying out your dreams and visions for your business and your life. Learn more about her at www.margepiccini.com.
Marge’s Coaching Suggestions
1) Breathe deeply often. When stressed, breathing is shallow and breath does not fill the lungs adequately thus the capacity of the body and mind are compromised.
2) Create a journal and put it into practice each day. I recommend three sections: gratitude, happiness and pride and that it take place in the evening just before bed.
For complete instructions, you can download a free copy of Marge’s Night Time Ritual from my website: www.margepiccini.com, Life.
Marge’s Quote for the Day
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” ~Marianne Williamson
Click the blue audio button below to listen to the interview.
Beth Scanzani says
Marge Piccini and I had a fabulous discussion on last Wednesday’s show! We missed you, Jory!!!
Marge shared the story of her insightful, purposeful and incredibly synchronistic journey to Provence and the lessons she learned as a result. We talked in some detail about each of the 6 steps she discovered for recapturing our “joie de vivre”….our joy for life; something that many of us lose touch with over the years!!!
Listen to Marge’s interview here on http://www.WomenFindPurpose.com to hear more about these 6 steps to reclaim your own joy for living. You are also invited to join Marge on her upcoming free TeleClass on January 6th at 8 pm eastern to learn more. Register at http://www.MargePiccini.com in the Coaching page.
1. The Power of Pause
2. Follow the Flight Attendant’s instructions
3. Follow your Bliss
4. Know your Talents
5. The Exquisiteness of Imperfection
6. “Why Not?”
Purposefully Yours,
Beth Scanzani
Jory Fisher says
Thank you, Marge and Beth! I wish I could have been two places at once, but at least I get to listen to the archive!
Love and hugs to you both,
Jory (from the 7 Event in Fairfax, VA)