Millionaire Marketing Mentor Suzanne Evans proclaims marketing a moral obligation.
{You’re hittin’ me hard with that one, Suzanne. You’re goin’ to my core, my value system, the heart and soul of who I am and what I do. I need to think about your proclamation…a lot!}
Wikipedia defines marketing as “the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.”
Interesting. There’s that value word again. Value. What do I have of value to offer my customers, clients, partners, and/or society at large?
What do you have of value to offer your customers, clients, partners, and/or society at large?
What do we have of value that is a true reflection of who we are and what we’re called to do?
And why is it our moral obligation to offer it?
I’m happy to talk with you any time about your gifts, your offerings, your uniqueness. I’d be honored. But right now, with your indulgence please, I’m going to talk about me.
My blessing (that aspect of my purpose which I do over and over again to effect positive change in the lives of others) is this:
I shepherd seekers who hunger and thirst to know God
and find, follow, and fulfill their Divine Purpose.
Gosh, I wonder if there’s any value in that.
As far back as I can remember, I’ve been fascinated by the concepts of calling and purpose and the meaning of life. At Langley High School in McLean, Virginia, I loved my World Civilization class because we studied questions like: Who am I? Why am I here? What is my relationship to God? To my fellow man? Why do I matter?
I learned that these are the core questions that have been raised throughout history. I learned that humankind’s search for the answers to these questions has been instrumental in shaping our “society at large.”
I wonder if there’s any value in what I do—any moral obligation to communicate my offerings.

Two and a half years ago I heard a man, a mere mortal, describe a process he developed that helps people discover and live out their true purpose in life. I was intrigued by this Tim Kelley person and his talk of trusted sources and ego and soul and fears and limiting beliefs. A few months later, I gently placed my toe in the water by signing up for his “Purposeful Coach Teleseminar.” By the end of that course, I had learned not only my life purpose, but also how to help others discern theirs. I decided to hone my skills further and became certified as a True Purpose™ Coach.
Only a dozen of us have achieved that designation thus far. The rigor of the training is, well, remarkable.
Hmmmm. I wonder if there’s any value in what I do—any moral obligation to communicate my offerings. Equipped as a certified True Purpose™ coach…
I can help you learn who you are and what you’re meant to do in the world. I can help you learn how to communicate with “your peeps” in such a way that they hear your voice and know you’re speaking to them. I can help you fulfill your calling.
Though the work I do can help anybody get clear on their life purpose—anybody, that is, who believes or is willing to believe that they’ve been put here on earth for a reason—I focus my marketing efforts on reaching out to Christian women entrepreneurs. We “get” each other. It’s an easy fit.
I understand your fears, your hopes, your dreams, your limiting beliefs, your earnest desire to make a bigger, more meaningful difference in the world. AND I CAN HELP YOU.
My Call to Action:
Sign up today for your Free Gifts and let me help you on your journey to live a more meaningful, joyful life!
{Yes, Suzanne, there is value in what we do—and meaningful heart & soul marketing is our moral obligation! Thank you for helping so many of us make a difference.}
With deep appreciation to all of my mentors,
My friend in Christ – there is value in everything you do – living in the TRUTH to self – PRICELESS!
Thank you for your words of wisdom,
In love, light and bliss,
Nancy, you’re lovely. You know how much I value you, your work, and your support!
With joy and gratitude,