All business owners have the same struggles. First they struggle with getting their business started, then they struggle to keep things rolling along. They always seem to need more clients, time and money. Several key elements can help remove those struggles while allowing for more prosperity.
About Kate Powers
Offering business consulting for women, Kate has been a passionate advocate for her clients for over 10 years. As the co-founder and former treasurer of a large membership organization for women entrepreneurs, Kate had the pleasure of working with hundreds of women business owners. As a result, she understands the unique needs of women entrepreneurs and has developed strategies designed to meet those needs.
Kate’s unique blend of practical business and life experience shines through in her coaching and writing. She has extensive experience in team building and communications as well as developing successful strategies for business owners. Kate has authored numerous articles and workbooks including 7 Steps To Start Up Success and Tools For Living a Balanced Life.
Kate’s Success Tips
Know your purpose.
Find a way to be in your passion.
Make a plan, work the plan, revise the plan, work the plan
Give your clients something to say yes to.
If you want to be in business in 5 years do a full 5 year business plan. If you only want to be in business for one year then the quick one year plan is fine.
Kate’s Favorite Quote
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. – Marianne Williamson
Listen to the Interview by clicking the audio arrow or link below.
Great engaging with you today, Kate! Thank you for being so wonderfully transparent. I know our listeners will appreciate your candor, relate to your journey, and value your success strategies. Excellent.
Let’s talk again soon!
oh sorry I thought I was on Kate’s site …. She’s awesome though isn’t she? 🙂
She is indeed! Thank you for stopping by to visit us at Women Find Purpose!