My husband and I chuckle whenever we think of the woman we met years ago at a Bed & Breakfast. She’d squeak “Quit it!” so fast, it sounded like a single syllable. Dave and I now “own” the expression and use it any time we want something to stop…as in, when I want him to stop teasing me, which is a regular occurrence around our house.
I’d like to suggest that we as business owners…that we as human beings… tell ourselves to “Quidit!” whenever a negative thought or debilitating emotion enters our hearts and minds.
Another option is to wear a rubber band on our wrist and snap it hard each time we slip into a moment of self-sabotage. We need to make sure we have something in our toolbox to stop our stinkin’ thinkin’!
Why? Why not wallow in our pity party or languish in our limiting beliefs?
Because the world needs us! It needs our gifts, our talents, our wisdom! It needs us to reach our full potential! It needs us to stop dwelling on what we think we can’t do, and focus on what we can!
I feel a song coming on….
“Take a good look around, and if you’re lookin’ down, put a little love in your heart… And the world (and the world) will be a better place. All the world (all the world) will be a better place. For you (for you) and me (and me). You just wait (just wait), and see… wait and see!” (Love you, Jackie DeShannon!)
Just this week I was talking with my friend and colleague Jackie Nagel about what it takes to succeed as an entrepreneur. “Success is an inside job,” she said. Bam! Spot on, Jackie! Let’s explore that concept a bit, with the help of James Allen’s classic book As a Man Thinketh and, of course, with the help of my all-time favorite, the Bible.
The title of James Allen’s book is taken from Proverbs 23:7 (KJV) which reads: “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” The words that come out of a man’s mouth may be far different from what’s in his heart. It’s the heart that reveals one’s true intentions and feelings. It’s what’s in the heart…the mind…that counts.
James Allen says:
“All that we achieve and all that we fail to achieve is a direct result of our own thoughts. … As we think, so we are; as we continue to think, so we remain.” Success is an inside job!!!
He adds:
“We are made or unmade by ourselves. By our thoughts, we forge the weapons by which we can destroy ourselves. Likewise, we also fashion the tools with which we build for ourselves heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peace {emphasis added}. By the right choice and true application of thought, we ascend to the Divine Perfection; by the abuse and wrong application of thought, we descend below the level of the beast. Between these two extremes are all the grades of character. We are our own maker and master.”
Where are you between these two extremes? Are you building a heavenly mansion of joy and strength and peace? If not, then shriek “Quidit!” or snap your rubber band when negative thoughts hold you back. Maybe it’s lack of forgiveness that’s stopping you (including forgiving yourself). Maybe it’s gossiping. Maybe it’s fear of failure. Maybe it’s fear of success. Maybe it’s, “Oh, too much work. I can’t possibly do all that!” Whatever your roadblock, “Quidit!” and start building your heavenly mansion here on earth.
With God’s help of course. We’re not meant to go it alone. God’s Holy Spirit patiently and lovingly guides the construction of our heavenly mansion block by block. “Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.” (Romans 12:2 NLT) Success is an inside job!
I love this quote by James Allen, “Our wishes and prayers are gratified and answered only when they harmonize with our thoughts and actions.” Think about that! Are you thinking one thing and praying for another? Are you wishing for success, but inwardly thinking you can’t?
Success IS an inside job. Let’s do whatever we need to do on the inside to get our gifts out into the world today.
And the world (all the world) will be a better place indeed.
Nancy Shields says
Hello Jory,
Love this verse from the Bible: “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Change your thoughts and change your life….love this and so very true. For the word is a powerful tool. I like to speak in I AM statements……
I am grateful for your work,
Diane Markins says
Really appreciated this one. My whirring brain needs to be reminded that it must be redirected according to what pleases God instead of whatever rabbit trail it might want to follow! Thanks for sharing.
Jory Fisher says
I appreciate your feedback, Nancy and Diane! We’re in this boat together. White waters ahead perhaps, but with strong faith and the right mindset we’ll navigate just fine!