After sharing their common experience as mothers of twins, Jory and Fran discuss Fran’s journey as a “stay-at-home” mom of three sets of twins who helps provide income for her family while remaining available for her children. Fran tells us about her published book TWINS x 3, her personal testimony that all things with God are possible, and candidly shares her financial struggles related to the demands of raising a growing family in a challenging economy.
Having discovered her desire to provide information and support for other twin moms, Fran is considered an expert in areas such as high-risk pregnancy and breastfeeding. Proudly representing the nutrition company RELIV, Fran invites and encourages other moms to partner with her to provide excellent income and nutrition to their families.
About Fran Pitre
Fran Pitre began to work from home to provide professional design services after the birth of her first set of twins in 1995. Having stopped working away from home so she could be a full-time mom after the 1999 birth of her second set of twins, she started a home-based business in 2005 because their family needed additional income. She continued that business in 2008 following the 2007 birth of her third set of twins. Believing that God called her to share her story of blessings and faith with others, she wrote and published her book “TWINS x 3” in 2010. Fran joined Ann Sieg’s Renegade Team in 2011 to promote her mission as a solutions provider for moms of twins. Devout Catholics, Fran and her husband Bruce, married 27 years, live with their six children in Jacksonville, FL.
Fran’s Success Tips
Pray and listen for His answers in your heart. Be patient, because all things must come at His time. Be humble, and know you’ll make mistakes and learn from them. Be open to change, be open to receiving help, and be open to leaving your comfort zone. In becoming open to new things, you become more experienced and enriched so you can enrich the lives of others.
Trust in God, and know that if you do, you will not be led astray.
My previous profession had nothing to do with marketing and promotion. I was a designer, a behind-the-scenes person. In becoming a solutions provider for others, I’ve become more than I ever thought I could be. I’ve grown stronger, more confident and know that I’m blessed to have found this honorable, noble purpose.
Fran’s Favorite Quote
“When you put faith, hope and love together, you can raise positive kids in a negative world.”
― Zig Ziglar
“Find out who you are and do it on purpose” … Dolly Parton
Listen to the interview with Fran by clicking the audio arrow or link below.
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Jory Fisher says
Fran, you have blessed us with so much wisdom, insight, and information. Thank you for sharing so completely. A truly beautiful interview!
With gratitude and joy,
Amy Hagerup says
This is awesome. I am so glad I have “met” you, Fran, and I look forward to meeting you too, Jory. Great post! Blessings, Amy
Jory says
Go Team Renegade! Thanks for dropping by, Amy, and taking the time to comment. Isn’t Fran great?