How are you being used for God’s purposes?
At a church pool party a couple of years ago, one of the children in the congregation had a near fatal drowning incident. As you can imagine it was traumatic for all involved.
As scary as it was, it was proof positive of the power of God in times of challenge. As this child was being resuscitated, you could hear the faint hum of prayers as we turned over this young boy’s fate to our Almighty.
Prayers were answered that day and he made a full recovery.
The images and the fear still clutch my heart whenever I see a child “pretend drown” in a pool.
So when I was recently standing poolside chatting with a friend and heard a young woman say, “See. I told you that you can’t swim,” her voice, the statement, the way I seemed to hear it louder and clearer than anything else although she stood almost 10 feet away, made me scan the pool to see who was on the other end of what she was saying.
That’s when I saw him.
He couldn’t have been anymore than 5 years old. A tiny little guy with big brown eyes who was bobbing up and down in the water paddling against its weight. Big brown eyes met mine pleading for help confirming her statement was true—he could not swim.
I was in the water pulling him out before I realized I was. I had his arm in my grasp, shocked at his light weight and the ease it took to scoop him out to safety.
He hacked up water and gasped for air by my side. The young woman, his older sister, now behind us, reached for him and grabbed him to her chest.
The woman with whom I was speaking prior was shocked at how she hadn’t realized the boy was in trouble. She had no idea, but I could see what she couldn’t because of my experience.
It was that gifting of holding that painful memory that allowed me to save this little boy’s life.
Which is the point I want to illustrate for you.
There are times you are experiencing challenges, strife, and difficulty, and you cannot quite understand the meaning or why God chose you.
It’s at those times that God is using you for future purpose.
He is instilling an experience within you that will make you capable of saving lives. This will be an experience that the people you want to serve have not had, but can benefit from.
There are danger signs that you will now see that they can’t.
You will now know what to look for.
You will not know what will happen if they do nothing.
You can now jump in when you see them in distress. You can now reach a hand out and guide them to a better, safer, stronger, happier, calmer, and more satisfying place—no matter your profession.
You will have the power to save their lives.
The problem lies in your lack of belief in yourself that you can. Or when you downplay the importance of what you do by making it normal or ordinary, like what you do is the same as everyone else. Like anyone would do what you would do.
They can’t and often won’t.
If that were the case, how come I was the only one to pull the child out of the water when there were more than a dozen others capable of doing it—including the lifeguard?
- Because I was blessed with being able to recognize the signs.
- Because God purposely placed me right where I was supposed to be.
- Because it was my job and mine alone.
- Because no one else was getting it done.
Which is exactly how you need to think about your services at all times.
No one is getting it done, but you.
You recognize the signs when someone needs you saying,“That person can use my services,” but are you telling them?
Every day you have an opportunity to reach out to someone who needs your help. It is not enough to only tell yourself. Your job is to extend your hand.
When you don’t extend your hand because you might get rejected or feel awkward, that person goes without being saved. They continue to fight to keep their head above water.
You are capable of saving them.
There are no mistakes about the gifts that you have, the crazy ideas and the explosion of thoughts that dominate your mind at all hours of the day and night. They have been specifically placed inside of you.
You are exactly where are you right now for a purpose.
It’s time to jump into the pool.
The life you save may even be your own.
About Karen Graves
Karen Graves is an expert at teaching business owners how to be powerful and profitable. She helps coaches, consultants, and solopreneurs with a heart for service make money with what they already know. Karen takes her award-winning sales and sales training experience from Pfizer, Inc. to teach them the must-have skills they need to get higher paying clients and to build businesses they love.
Karen understands that there is too much conflicting information on “how to grow a business.” She has developed a “simpler is better” approach to business growth with specific strategies and tools that make the most impact in getting clients and creating consistent cash flow.
To learn more about Karen, visit the Your Sales Fix website:
Hi there! I’m Karen Graves. I help service based business owners with a heart for service build profitable businesses that they love. As an entrepreneur you answered a very special call. You recognize that God has given you a genius–a gifting that allows you to serve powerfully. The challenge may be in how to connect to the clients you are meant to serve or how to get compensated by serving through this purpose. This is where I can help you by teaching you specifically what to do to build your business into what you desire. Please reach out to me to let me know what specifically is stopping you in your business and I will be happy to address those challenges.
Wishing you success,
So often we fail to recognize that we are exactly where we are right now for a purpose. Your message reminds us that we are to journey through life confident that God is with us and determined to be His voice, hands, and feet in a hurting world. Thank you, Karen. What a fabulous message!
Love and Hugs,