3 Delicious Ways to Boost Brain Power & Get More Done!
“If I had more energy I could get more done faster” is one of the most common reasons hip, ambitious women share for wanting to transform their vitality.
Choosing optimal fuel sources is the first, most transforming step to generating more energy, specifically to our brain and nervous system.
If we don’t feel well, we don’t work well, yet to be perfectly honest, most people don’t know what amazing feels like because they’ve been fueling their bodies sub-optimally for YEARS.
This isn’t your fault because we’ve been inundated with faulty health info, but it is something that needs to be addressed for a full, purposeful, satisfied life.
So the FIRST thing I help my clients do is generate more energy through food by fueling our brains to thrive, not just survive.
The quality of the fat we eat highly influences our health and is easy to control. Fat stores toxins, like hormones and antibiotics, so consuming low quality fat is a major contributor to low energy.
1. Swap Vegetable Oils/Sprays for Coconut Oil, Ghee, or Coconut Ghee.
Toxic, inflammatory, deodorized, damaged at high temperatures, and highly refined are all words to describe vegetable oils, including canola, peanut, safflower, and soybean oils.
These are also the oils we commonly use for high temperature cooking, like frying, which is the main reason why frying is deemed “unhealthy.”
For boosted brain power, memory, and fat blasting energy, swap vegetable oils and sprays for coconut oil, ghee, or coconut ghee.
The benefits are:
- anti-inflammatory
- anti-microbial
- high energy
- instant brain energy
♦ Organic, unrefined virgin coconut oil is always best. If you’re not up on coconut flavor, try ghee (clarified butter), or the blended variety coconut ghee (insert link).
Uses: High temperature cooking like frying, sautéing, and broiling, as well as baking.
2. Swap Margarine for Grassfed Butter
Margarine is another highly refined industrial seed oil that is inflammatory, disease-promoting, and contains zero nutrients.
Butter is not only tastier, but high quality butter contains essential nutrients needed to thrive, nutrients not found in grain-fed cow butter and margarine.
The benefits are:
- Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA): powerful anti-cancer & healthy metabolism compound
- Omega-3 fatty acids: for healthy brain, eyes, and heart. ONLY found in grassfed butter
- Butyric Acid: fundamental controller of metabolism, stress resistance, and the immune system
- Usable Vitamin A: for eye health, cancer-fighting properties, thyroid health, and necessary for using consumed protein.
♦ Look for Kerrygold butter on your next trip to the store!
Uses: Low temperature cooking, baking, roasting
3. Swap Olive Oil for MCT Oil
An estimated 75% of all olive oil available in the United States is diluted with canola, seed or nut oils.
This is “no bueno” for boosting energy, brain power, and heart health.
While high quality, pure olive oil is available and worth getting, it isn’t as widely available as store bought brands.
Instead, swap the everyday, every meal use of olive oil for another oil, like for better brain power, memory, and thinking.
The benefits of MCT Oil:
- No flavor
- anti-inflammatory
- anti-microbial
- instant energy
- healthy gut
♦ GREAT for reversing symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s, dementia, memory loss, and related disorders.
Uses: salad dressing, frying, sautéing, in smoothies, or alone
In summary, get more done and enjoy your life by swapping the quality of fat you consume. Quality matters, so go for grassfed, pastured, and pure, sourced options as often as possible.
What 3 foods do you feel give you the most brain power? Leave a comment sharing your top 3!
To get really clear on more opportunities you may be missing to double your energy right now, click here to reserve your complimentary “Double Your Energy” Breakthrough Call with Gerilyn.
About Gerilyn Burnett
Gerilyn helps women achieve the body, energy, and impact they desire by implementing healthy lifestyles they love! She specializes in helping Christian women cultivate health to the glory of God. Her own journey from miserable, fat, stuck, and tired to fit, confident, vibrant, and delicious make her uniquely suited for this mission! She has a knack for creating contagious healthy experiences and providing the needed support and accountability that turn diets into lifestyles and dreams into realities. Get started on your journey to vibrant vitality for life here.
Hi! I’m Gerilyn Burnett, and I help Christian women live vibrantly healthy lives to the glory of God! Our relationship with our body and the food we eat is deeply entwined with our confidence and our effectiveness as Christians. I’m really curious to know what you are curious about! What are your biggest barriers to living the degree of health you desire? What would you like to learn? Comment on this post and/or send your questions directly to info@GerilynBurnett.com. Please let me know you’re a friend of Jory’s. Thanks!
I love you, Gerilyn Burnett!
Ladies (and gents), Gerilyn is a vitality EXPERT! I am so honored to have her as a guest blogger on my site. Take heed to whatever this vibrant young lady suggests.
We now use Ghee, Coconut Ghee, Coconut Oil, and MCT oil on a regular basis. She’s right about the MCT oil. You can’t taste it at all. I even add it to my morning cup of coffee!
So I have four favorites!
Thanks, Gerilyn, for your efforts to help Christian women get more energy in our lives so we can energetically make the difference we’re here on earth to make!
Interesting and very informative. This is the first time i have heard about brain power supplements. Thanks for posting
Gee I have got to try these. I do need to add more power to my brain, and nothing could be yummier!