Some years ago, a popular book painted a fresh coat of paint on the concept known as the Law of Attraction. The Secret is still on best-seller lists, and the “LOA” is taught and practiced by many people. But what does the LOA have to do with the Bible? Beth will share where the Bible supports the concept and how we can best apply that concept in our lives. So much more than a way to pursue health and wealth, the LOA can be a powerful tool of spiritual formation. Beth believes and teaches that the LOA is how we are conformed to the image of Christ! You won’t want to miss this interesting and surprising conversation with a contemporary theologian who keeps the spotlight shining on Jesus while encouraging us to pursue all the blessings of the universe.
About Beth Misner
Christian author and speaker Beth Misner is an ordained minister and the founder and director of the Journey Center—Claremont,CA—a Christ-based center for spirituality, healing, and wholeness. Beth is a Christian meditation and prayer leader as well as a certified sports nutritionist, black belt in karate, and practitioner of T’ai Chi. She is also the author of Jesus and the Secret: Where the Word of God and the Law of Attraction Intersect. She and her husband Ivan own BNI (Business Network International) and are co-founders of the BNI Foundation, a non-profit foundation that supports children’s educational programs around the world. Beth and Ivan reside in Claremont, CA, with their three adult children – Ashley, Cassandra, and Trey. Her hobbies and interests include gardening, scrapbooking, reading, and travel.
To contact Beth, please go to
Beth’s Success Tips
How to pray in a way that will always receive a YES from God:
- Release your own desire to God’s desire. When the desire of your heart is in alignment with the desire of God’s heart, a synergy is created which will not be denied.
- Focus your prayer for God to be glorified in and through your request. No matter how the specifics of your prayer are answered, the request that God be glorified will be granted.
- Surrender your request to God’s will. You can ask for specifics, but yield them all to God’s better judgment, remember that God knows all the little details which you may not be privy to.
Ways to meditate which deepen your spiritual formation in the image of Christ:
- When meditating, allow yourself to be very still, very quiet and very aware. I prefer to meditate without music so I can really be in silent communion with God.
- In that stillness, be attentive and aware of God’s presence within you. Feel your own consciousness merged with God’s awareness, notice a sense of being One with God, as Jesus prayed that we would be. The Cross has removed any and all barriers of separation, real and imagined.
- Allow yourself to bathe in God’s love, mercy and grace. Feel it washing over you.
- When your mind begins to “chatter,” come back to a very still, quiet awareness of God’s presence.
- If it helps you to still your mind, focus on a breath prayer: breathe in (Je-) breathe out (-sus) or other two-syllable word, until you reenter the still, quiet awareness.
- Allow yourself to move into a deep experience of abiding peace all around and within you.
- End your meditation by focusing on gratitude for all that is in your life and let that gratitude carry you back into the “busy” world.
Practicing this meditative exercise daily, in addition to your spoken prayer and reading of the Word, will help you digest God’s word and internalize God’s character in a way which will form you more fully into Christ’s image.
For more from Beth about Christian meditation, go to
Beth’s Favorite Quote
Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on the earth. ~Colossians 3:2
Listen to the interview with Beth by clicking the link below.
Jory Fisher says
Beth, such an excellent discussion! I so enjoyed exploring and examining how the law of attraction and our Christian faith are woven together. Thank you for devoting so much time and attention to this topic and for being such a wonderful guest today. I look forward to further interactions!
Stephanie Calahan says
Excellent post. I agree and practice something similar every morning. Love the idea of coming back to focus with breath in Je- breath out -sus. I look forward to listening to the entire recording.
Jory Fisher says
Good morning, Stephanie! Thank you for contributing to this discussion. I’d love to hear from you again after you listen to the interview. Beth gave us lots and lots to think about!