Every day, as soon as we wake up, we’re faced with choices. Every day, as soon as we wake up, we have the chance to choose health, choose hope, choose victory. But do we???
Let’s talk about RESOLUTIONS a minute since they’re on everybody’s mind these days. According to the Harris poll, Americans’ Five Most Common New Year’s Goals are to:
- Lose weight.
- Improve finances.
- Exercise.
- Get a new job.
- Eat healthier.
Sounds to me like a majority of folks long for a healthier body, healthier finances and (interpreting the desire for a new job as a desire for more fulfillment) a healthier mindset as well. People WANT to:
Choose Health
We WANT to realize our dreams!!!
It’s just that when temptation bursts forth, even though we try to muster up all the will-power we can, we often succumb. Will-power alone is never enough to win the battle. For starters,
- We need faith.
- We need focus.
- We need fellowship.
We need Somebody/somebody to believe in us even when we don’t believe in ourselves. We need Somebody/somebody to help us adhere to healthy habits and realistic benchmarks that will enable us to stay on track and reach our goals.
Jesus is primed to be our Number One Health Coach. He believes in us; He encourages us; He helps us make wise decisions. If we ask Him for His help (John 16:24), He can help us get clear on where we are now and remain highly focused on where we want to go.
We also need to surround ourselves with people who will support us along the way. Spouse. Coach. Pastor. Mentor. Good friend. A community of believers. We can’t expect to make our dreams come true in a vacuum. We need to lay down our pride (Rom.12:3) and ask for help from those who are committed to supporting us. Are you willing to ask for help? And… are you willing to:
Choose Hope
Though we can’t control our circumstances, we can control how we respond to our circumstances. A counselor said to me years ago, “Jory, you’re not responsible for what other people say and do to you, but you ARE responsible for how you respond to their words and actions.” Ouch. That stung. No more excuses.
Photo by Flickr (Len Matthews)
If you have unrealized dreams floating around in your heart and head, decide right now to choose hope by:
- Strengthening your relationship with your Creator.
- Resting in the confidence that God will help you fulfill your purpose.
- Facing the truth about your current circumstances.
- Accepting responsibility for your actions (stop blaming others and/or your circumstances!)
- Seeking out people who can help you.
- Learning to be content whatever your circumstances. (Phil.4:11)
Once you have decided to choose health and choose hope, you are then ready to:
Choose Victory
Visualize the new and improved version of yourself (your finances, your career, your relationships…) and hold tight to that vision. Visualize the new and improved version of yourself (your finances, your career, your relationships…) when you go to bed at night, when you get up in the morning, and several times throughout the day.
Choosing to be victorious also means choosing to TAKE ACTION one step at a time. Ask yourself:
- What is something you can do right now to help you reach your daily goal?
- What is something you can do today to help you reach your weekly goal?
- What is something you can do this week to help you reach your monthly goal?
- What is something you can this month to help you reach your yearly goal?
Having an action plan that is broken down into manageable goals and benchmarks will help advance you on your quest for success.
Join me in choosing the joyful, victorious life.
And, if you need help from a professional coach, contact me today.
To Your Success This Year and Always!
keijo leppioja says
SO beautiful that living in healthy life and in rest from all distress whom brings us sickness and worry and so much tears ,but the Lord with his the word wil make us whole and be our source to life with heaven in wonderful expriences in joy and share that blessing around us are our duty too,thanks and bless and pray,keijo sweden
Jory Fisher says
How lovely, Keijo. Thank you for commenting. So very beautiful indeed!