I recently caught myself verbalizing the excuse: “I don’t have enough time.” I had surmised there were not enough hours to complete a certain project. I immediately heard from the Holy Spirit within me. God put the thought in my heart that he created the twenty-four hour cycle we call a day to give us the perfect amount of time to eat, sleep, develop relationships, and complete any task he would give us for any particular day.
In other words, humans are not able to handle any more hours than those twenty-four allotted each day. So, why are we always asking for more?
There is an entire industry that offers solutions for “time management.” While some of those strategies and tools may be helpful, they are absolutely useless unless Jesus is at the center of our decision making process. Every time we are faced with a new opportunity to add something to our schedule, rather than using an online tool to assist us, we would be more blessed to ask Jesus if this is something he wants us to pursue. If it is, we should be obedient and do it. If not, we should decline. It sounds simple. And it really is.
If our daily agenda is created based on our own ability to make decisions, we will suffer through many mistakes.
If we accept new responsibilities and obligations based only on the blank spots on our calendar, we will eventually allow time to become a false god. The illusion of “free time” will become our guide.
But, if we go to the Savior for every decision and listen to his advice, we will find there is plenty of time each day to do what he asks.
Consider this as part of your business or ministry action plan:
- Begin every planning session at work in prayer, specifically asking Jesus to determine which projects, tasks, or programs he wants you to undertake.
- Be submissive to his will and do only what he tells you. Based on his response, commit to only those jobs he assigns you and commit to work them to their completion.
You will experience less stress as you turn all your decisions over to him. “Cast all your cares on him, for he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7)
You will find there will always be plenty of hours in every day to complete everything he asks of you that day.
In addition, you’ll also experience more success. After all, who believes he’s going to give you an assignment that he knows will fail? Not me. He is a God of love and goodness. It pleases him when his children come to him for advice.
Finally, you will have determined who is Lord over your business and your calendar.
Will it be Father God, or will it be Father Time?
Who or what dictates the action plans in your business or ministry? If you are like me, you have many examples of creating those plans on your own. But some of you have already experienced the power of a Jesus-created plan. Please share your thoughts and ideas with us below.
About Mike Van Vranken
Mike Van Vranken is a writer, speaker, retreat leader, and teacher. Following forty years of leading, coaching and developing business owners, Mike founded Mike Van Vranken Ministries to fulfill his passion to bring Jesus to the world around him. He brings his experiences as a mentor, leader, speaker, coach and entrepreneur to provide teaching and spiritual leadership to all who are interested. His dream is to deliver the teachings of Jesus to women and men, old and young, poor and rich, people of every background and diversity – to the entire body of Christ.
He holds a Masters Degree in Theological Studies from the University of Dallas and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Arkansas.
He and Barbara, his wife of 42 years, live in Shreveport, LA.
Discover more about Mike at: www.mikevanvrankenministries.org as well as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Google.
Well-said, Mike. It’s way too easy to make our OWN plans and leave the Lord out of what we say “yes” to. Thank you for this excellent reminder!
Great thoughts Mike! Along those same lines, many time management experts say, “Time is our most precious resources.” While there’s no denying that time on earth is limited, as Christians, we’re already living in eternity. In this context, how precious is time really? What might be even more precious than time.
I pose that relationships are more precious than our temporal time. We’re taking relationships into eternity. And the greatest Relationship of all is with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
Be On-Purpose!
Amen Kevin. Well said.
Kevin–that is beautiful!!!!
I’m so glad I can count you and Judith as eternal relationships for which I am exceedingly grateful.