Are you called to be a leader?
I didn’t say “organizer,” “facilitator,” or “coordinator.” I said, “leader.”
Has God Called You To Be a LEADER?
I’ve never asked my friends why, but many Christian women and some Christian men I know are hesitant to refer to themselves as leaders.
- Is it because they don’t want all of the responsibility that comes with being a leader?
- Is it because they believe only men or certain kinds of people should serve in leadership roles?
- Is it because _______ ? (Perhaps you have another idea?)
Raised in Southern Baptist churches where only males served as deacons and preachers, I understand the hesitation for some women. It stems from Tra Di SHON! — from the way our church, family, and/or community brought us up.
But perhaps it’s time to re-examine what God may or may not be calling us to do.
Perhaps it’s time we ask the Holy Spirit to give us an open mind and an open heart as we search the Scripture for Truth and Guidance about our true purpose.
Perhaps it’s time we ask the Good Lord…. have you called me to (gulp) LEAD?
Let’s also explore why NOT to become a leader.
- Is it primarily to gain power or fame?
- Is it primarily to make money?
- Is it primarily to impress our friends and families (or even ourselves)?
That doesn’t sound like divinely inspired “leadership calling” to me.
If our identity — our ego — is all wrapped up in being or becoming a leader, then nope. Not a good sign.
Also not a good sign is if we’re unwilling to be vulnerable with others.
- If we’re not genuine, if we’re not vulnerable … people will quickly see through our veneer.
- If we’re not genuine, if we’re not vulnerable … our credibility, our trustworthiness, will be shot.
Also not a good sign is if we’re not willing to be humble.
I’m sure you can think of others.
Ask yourself:
- Are your motives pure?
- Are you willing to be genuine and vulnerable with others?
- Are you willing to be humble?
- Are you open to finding and fulfilling God’s call on your life?
Then get ready to LEAD. Yes, LEAD.
We need you!
We need men and women of faith who are willing to guide, strengthen, and inspire.
We need men and women of faith who are willing to be all that God has called them to be and do all that God has called them to do.
We need men and women of faith who are willing to lead as the Spirit says lead!
- Would you please write in the comment box below why you think some people are hesitant to lead or to call themselves leaders (even if secretly they suspect they are)?
- AND would you please write in the comment box below the leadership qualities you most appreciate in a person and why?
Thank you and bless you.
If God has called you to lead, lead on!
Photo by Flickr (Ricardo Liberato)
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