Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a ministry leader, or just plain human, stress is a part of life, especially during the holiday rush. The more roles you juggle and the more demands you face, the easier it is to find yourself alone on Pain Island, feeling stressed out or even burned out. That’s especially bad news if your livelihood depends on your creativity, since stress tends to make creativity vanish. In today’s episode, Jory and co-host Julie Fleming discuss the roots of stress—both positive and negative—and how to identify oncoming burnout. The discussion then shifts to action: what can you do to protect yourself and your creativity? How can you overcome obstacles, even the obstacles presented unintentionally by those you love? You’ll get ideas on how to set boundaries with clients and yourself, so you’ll work well and find refreshment, whether that’s for a week or just a few hours. Finally, Jory and Julie will share simple steps you can take to reduce stress right away, including how to set goals for effective practices that work instead of flash-in-the-pan empty promises.
About Julie Fleming
Julie A. Fleming, principal of Lex Innova Consulting, helps lawyers and other service professionals to create and implement innovative business development plans. She is the author of three books as well as numerous articles on topics such as business development, practice management, work/life balance, and leadership development. You can find out more about Julie at Lex Innova Consulting.
Resource from Jory & Julie
Seth Godin: But What Do *YOU* Do?
Julie’s Success Tips
- Become aware of what’s causing your stress.
- Check with yourself: are you trying to work according to your own direction, or are you listening to the Holy Spirit to guide you?
- Make a decision to set healthy boundaries with your clients (even if that means firing a client!) and with yourself, so you can work peacefully and take necessary breaks to refresh yourself.
- Say no to the good, so you can say yes to the great.
- Block out times for refreshment (whether that’s a few hours or a week!) and get support to overcome the obstacles that will threaten those plans.
Julie’s Quote of the Day
“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” ― Jeremiah 17:7,8
Listen to Jory and Julie by clicking the audio player below.
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Piano music by David Nevue.
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