Even the most purpose-driven person will, at times, find herself dragging. When you make promises to yourself but don’t keep them, you know you need a dose of something… Motivation? Discipline? Willpower? A stronger vision or purpose? Join Jory and Julie as they discuss what it really takes to accomplish your objectives, especially when those objectives include interim steps that you don’t enjoy but recognize as necessary to achieve your ultimate goal.
Jory and Julie discuss the extent to which willpower is ego-based and what that means for the wisdom of relying on willpower to achieve goals, to extent to which discipline draws on the strength of a higher power and how that helps us bring vision to fruition. We’ll discuss the instances in which each is useful, along with discussing Stephen Pressfield’s concept of Resistance as the key block to purposeful accomplishment. Finally, Jory and Julie explore how to harness motivation and develop discipline to continue our vision- and purpose-based work even in the midst of significantly competing demands.
About Julie Fleming
Julie A. Fleming, principal of Lex Innova Consulting, helps lawyers and other service professionals to create and implement innovative business development plans. She is the author of three books as well as numerous articles on topics such as business development, practice management, work/life balance, and leadership development. You can find out more about Julie at Lex Innova Consulting.
Julie’s Success Tips
- Be clear about your vision and/or purpose so that you know why you’re undertaking actions that you may not enjoy and so that you can keep your attention on the end goal.
- Discipline promotes freedom: when you are disciplined in your daily activities, you can build in freedom rather than needing to play catch-up constantly.
- Design your schedule and set boundaries to create and respect your discipline.
Julie’s Quote of the Day
“Turning pro is a mindset. If we are struggling with fear, self-sabotage, procrastination, self doubt, etc., the problem is we are thinking like amateurs. Amateurs don’t show up. Amateurs [wimp] out. Amateurs let adversity defeat them. The pro thinks differently. He shows up, he does his work. He keeps on trucking no matter what.” –Stephen Pressfield, The War of Art
Jory’s Success Tips
1. Discern Your Purpose.
2. Read Do the Work by Steven Pressfield.
3. Press through Resistance and Do the Work!
Jory’s Verse of the Day
“The sleep of a laborer is sweet.” Ecclesiastes 5:12
Listen to Jory and Julie by clicking the audio player below.
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Piano music by David Nevue.
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