Get Ready to Profit
I had the pleasure of being interviewed on Get Ready to Profit by my friend and colleague Glenn Garnes. He asked me to share with his listeners how I help entrepreneurs refresh their vision and achieve success. I invite you to read, listen, and “Speak Your Mind” in the comment box below. Thank you and bless you!
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Interview Highlights
Rediscover, Repurpose, Reinvent
Glenn Garnes: Jory and I come from a legal background and one of the reasons that this is important towards the topic of today’s show is that we’re going to be talking a little bit about the importance of learning how to rediscover, repurpose, and reinvent yourself in this current economy. There are a lot of people currently finding themselves out of jobs or out of professions that no longer exist because of automation or just the evolution of business generally, and they are struggling to figure out what to do next because college didn’t prepare them to think about monetizing their skill set beyond the current career they were pursuing.
So we’re going to talk a little bit with Jory about how you can begin the process of repurposing what you know and possibly finding ways to monetize it beyond the paycheck. So Jory, why don’t you tell us a little bit about, before we get into the actual topic, your general approach with clients? How do you normally work with someone when they are first introduced to you?
Jory Fisher: Oh thank you. Well, you were talking about transition and of course it’s really important to think about transferable skills. So one of the things that I like to do is discover, to pull out from somebody, what are your gifts, what are your talents, what are your God-given abilities? What skills have you acquired over the years, and it could be 20 years, it could be 30 years. I mean, the number of years doesn’t really matter, but what skills do you have that can then be transferred to another occupation?
Glenn Garnes: So that’s a great starting point. You’re kind of meeting people where they are by finding out, okay, what do you know that you like to do? What do you have experience with?
Jory Fisher: Yup.
Glenn Garnes: Fantastic. Do you have any one or do you do any type of assessments or Myers Briggs Type testing, or do you have someone that works with you on that?
Jory Fisher: Well, I just happen to be certified as a Myers Briggs practitioner.
Glenn Garnes: Okay, there you go.
Jory Fisher: So I love working with Myers Briggs. That is the only professional assessment that I do use. However, I also have a Discover Your Purpose Starter Course and I have some tools that I have created that help, as I said, kind of pull out, eke out, what people are really gifted at doing or perhaps their personality type. I also love StrengthsFinder. StrengthsFinder 2.0 is on the internet and that’s great.
It helps you come up with your five top strengths and ideas to play to those strengths. That doesn’t mean to ignore everything else we need to learn to be proficient and sufficient just living on this earth; but with those five strengths, you know that you can really lead with your strengths and that’s the idea.
Monetization and Mastermind
Glenn Garnes: So when you start with someone as a coaching client, you help them to determine kind of what’s already in their toolkit, what they are already kind of wired for, so to speak.
Jory Fisher: Correct.
Glenn Garnes: And then I guess the next step would be for you to figure out where that fits in in monetization mode or something, maybe figure out, okay, what can you do with that.
Jory Fisher: Well, what I do is I do run … the primary way that someone can work with me now is through my mastermind group. So it’s a 12-month mastermind group and we meet in Towson, Maryland. Individual coaching is a part of that, but the power of the group is so tremendous. Maybe that’s something you and I can talk about sometime, maybe in another show.
Glenn Garnes: Oh absolutely. We’re big advocates for mastermind groups. We mastermind in the Napoleon Hill tradition, which I think you and I talked about previously. So we get it.
Jory Fisher: Yup, excellent. So as a result of that, one of the key components of that mastermind is helping people get really clear on their niche, and by “niche” I don’t just mean target market. I mean who is it that you’re meant to serve, what problem are you here to help them solve, and what results can you help that person come away with. So with those three things solidified, you’re going to go a long way to, I’m looking at the name of your show here, Get Ready To Profit because if you have a really big problem that you can help someone resolve and you have wonderful results that you can help someone achieve, then you are going to profit.
Glenn Garnes: And that’s a great segue. For those of you that are listening to the show, I want you to write this down, profit follows performance. Another way to describe performance is offering value to people.
Jory Fisher: Correct.
Glenn Garnes: So in helping people to discover where they have a talent, who that talent was meant for, and how they can help somebody else to succeed, that’s where they are positioning themselves for profit.
Jory Fisher: There you go. I love that word – position.
Glenn Garnes: You have a gift that you want to offer to the listeners.
Jory Fisher: I do.
Glenn Garnes: Why don’t you talk with us about that?
Jory Fisher: Okay, certainly. Well first of all, if you all are interested in purposeful communication with God, that’s one of the free giveaways that I give from my website. You can go to JoryFisher.com and I have quite a few little giveaways that I give directly from my website. But if you are interested particularly in what I referred to earlier, Niche Secrets (and that would be helping you get really clear on whom you’re meant to serve, how you’re meant to serve them, in other words, what problem can you help solve for them, and what results can you provide), then please email me Jory@JoryFisher.com and just put Niche Secrets in the subject line. Let me know why you’re interested and I’d be happy to get that to you.
Transcription by Alma Noefe
Photo by Dusit Panyakhom/123RF
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