Our journeys of faith are personal and constant, and often the professional development and training we receive at and through work does not take on the challenges and tensions of this most dramatic and impactful development path.
In this discussion, OKA’s Hile Rutledge discusses the EQ-i (the most popular and well-researched Emotional Intelligence tool on the market) and what elements within it can best be used to illuminate and even more effectively travel the spiritual/faith path before us.
President and Principal Consultant of OKA and author of many books, including OKA’s best-selling EQ Workbook, Hile Rutledge is an experienced organization development consultant, trainer and public speaker with a background in management, sales, adult education and leadership development. Expert in the use of assessments, Hile has worked with both public and private sector clients whose needs range from team building, communications and feedback training, conflict management, strategic planning and other large group events and skills-based workshops.
Hile’s career has taken him into archaeology, public relations, sales management, career counseling and independent organization development consulting.
Hile has a BA in Humanities from Hampden-Sydney College and a Master of Science in Organization Development from the American University (AU/NTL). Hile resides with his wife and two sons in Falls Church, Virginia.
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