Do you know a friend, family member, or colleague who is un- or under-employed? With the dismal jobs-to-jobseeker ratio of one-to-four, the rules of the road have changed. Responding to ads on and asking “who’s hiring?” no longer brings results. Many of today’s job seekers are not …
In Loco Parentis (Stacy Garrett & Stormy Wooldridge)
Jail, Neglect, Abuse, Homelessness, Drugs, Poverty, Prison, Death. For myriad reasons, blameless children across America are unable to live in their own homes with their own parents, their own siblings, or even their own extended family. In 1875 the Miller Home opened its doors as the Lynchburg …
Living Outside the Box (Chris McCluskey, P.C.C.)
Christopher McCluskey is a man who walks his talk. Simplicity, balance, purpose, faith, marriage, children (seven of them!). Mix all of that together and you get a highly successful psychotherapist who felt called to leave his practice in Tampa, Florida, to begin a Christian Life Coaching …
Purposeful Living — NOW! (Jeffrey Van Dyk, P.C.C.)
Jeffrey Van Dyk is on a mission to heal the ache of those who are meant to change the world. Listen in as Jeffrey and host Jory Fisher discuss proven methods for finding your unique purpose in life. Do you feel called to a particular mission? Are you embracing your full potential? Do you …