What comes to mind when you hear the word “prosperity”? Probably money and lots of it, but what about good health, rich relationships, and work you enjoy? What if you included them in your definition—and led a deliciously prosperous life? Close your eyes and imagine. Lovely vision, isn’t …
Fellow Sojourners
They caught my attention. Two weary sojourners trudging down the highway with their faithful canine companion trotting along at their side. Not that I would EVER want my daughters to do what I did… I pulled over to ask how I could help. It used to be hard to explain why I do the things I …
How Can You Get Untangled? (Jory Fisher)
Have you ever wished for a Magic Machete to clear the path before you? Have you ever longed for the clarity, confidence, and courage you need to do what you’re truly meant to do? Somehow or another, most of us get all tangled up in a motley mix of family obligations, school responsibilities, …
Poets, Purpose & Passion
My daughter Brett teases me for putting “movies that matter” on the Netflix queue. Though my husband and I do watch our fair share of romantic comedies, espionage, and intrigue, for the most part I prefer movies with a message—such as Dead Poets Society. (Dave, God bless him, has grown used to my …
Phantom, Passion, and Perseverance (Jory Fisher)
“Mom, we have to drive to Dallas NOW! An ice storm is coming, and my flight will get cancelled again!” Hmmmm … It takes almost 20 hours to drive straight from Lynchburg to Dallas in good weather … “Jana, honey, that’s not going to work. Let’s see what other options we have.” Thus continued our …
Twiggy the Water-Skiing Squirrel
Thinking of balancing sweat-of-the-brow work and restful leisure brings to mind a tall, skinny man teetering on a beach ball while spinning ten plates in the air….and Twiggy the Water-Skiing Squirrel. Balance. How do people (and squirrels) do it????? I gave up long ago. But at least I try to …
Stuffocated? (Jory Fisher)
Have you ever watched the show “Stuffocated”? I saw it for the first time last night and am still marveling that one three-person family could have over 12,000 pounds of stuff in their small three-bedroom home. The inherent message of the show—it’s relationships that matter, not material …