[ONLINE] How to Close More Sales in Less Time
B.A.N.K.® is a scientifically validated methodology designed to predict buying behavior in nanoseconds.
B.A.N.K. was originally created in the early 2000s by the company’s Founder and Chairman, Cheri Tree. Her original goal was to find a solution to beat the proverbial numbers game in sales and ultimately close more sales in less time. Her system not only revolutionized her own income and sales success — it also rapidly expanded the success of top professionals, companies, and industries worldwide.
Certified B.A.N.K.® Trainer Jory Fisher will show you:
*How to communicate on a deeper, more meaningful level with your prospects
*How to generate unlimited leads and close them easily
*How to use Artificial Intelligence to speak to your prospect’s “buying personality”
*How to increase your sales up to 300%
You’ll have ample opportunity to introduce yourself and get to know fellow participants.
We’re meeting on the Zoom platform. The meeting ID will be visible to you once you register. Please download https://zoom.us/ if you haven’t already done so. The free version will work just fine.
Come to the call early to make sure you can connect and your audio and video are working correctly. Having your camera on is required.
A microphone is also required.If you choose computer audio please make sure yours is set up and working with Zoom. There is a test function within the app.
You will be muted when you come on. You can unmute yourself when it’s your turn to speak. Please mute yourself again afterward to avoid disruptions to the meeting. Thank you!
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