We all know God has a plan for each of our lives so why don't we stop and listen when He speaks? Kathleen believes when we learn to have a personal relationship with God, He speaks to us differently. He guides us differently. "BUT ... just because God spoke to Moses through a burning bush, that …
business owner
Promote Yourself with Confidence, Grace and Ease (Ginny Robertson)
Self-promotion is a "must do" for successful entrepreneurs and career women. However, depending on our background, it can be one of our biggest stumbling blocks. Maybe you grew up hearing that it's not polite to talk about yourself or to brag, or that girls were to be seen and not heard. Now you're …
Monetize Your Brilliance! (Marilyn Angelena)
Do you struggle to reveal the REAL YOU? Do you wish you could get paid for what you love and want to do, but don't know how to "get it out"? Do you wake up in the middle of the night wishing for something more, i.e., balance, structure, knowledge, money, freedom, systems? In our interview, Marilyn …
How Your Purpose Leads to Profits (Paige Stapleton & Brian Stark)
You are an amazing, gifted business owner who really wants to make a difference in the world. But if people don’t know about you and don’t know how you can help them, you can’t help the people you are here to help and you can’t get your gifts out into the world. Marketing and sales don’t need to be …
A Way Out: A Grass Roots Business (Ebonni Bryant)
Every business you have come to support and admire was once a "grass roots" business. In this episode, Jory and I show not only business owners, but also lovers and spectators of economic sustainability and growth, how to thrive. I describe ways to implement tangible business strategies into your …
Having a Website Doesn’t Have to Be Overwhelming (Dawud Miracle)
When it comes to having your business online, you'll find tons of confusing, complex and often conflicting information. Websites, Twitter, email lists - it all gets jumbled around so quickly that you have no idea what you 'should' be doing. And most techie people are no help because they can't speak …
Do You Own a Business or a Job (Lynda Foster)
Most small business owners work hard for many years to build their reputation and the quality of their product or service, and they pride themselves in their special brand of customer service. Unfortunately, the majority give little thought to whether their company has equity that can be sold to …