My client was writing some biographical information for his LinkedIn page. But his heart felt uncomfortable as he declared: “I did this and I did that.” He looked at me and said: “Let another praise you, not your own mouth.” He reminded me those words were from Proverbs 27:2. I explained that many …
15 “Shalts” to Help You Fulfill Your Calling as a Purpose-Guided Entrepreneur
Ever written down what you need to do to fulfill your calling as a purpose-guided entrepreneur? Please tell us what would be on your "Shalt List" in the Comment Box below. I'll get us started... To Be Successful as a Purpose-Guided Entrepreneur, Thou Shalt ~ 1. Nurture thy faith in God. …
Discovering Your Specific Purpose (Jory Fisher & Jennifer Miller)
Purpose. Lots of people talk about it these days. For some, it has become a buzz word they simply tune out. We encourage you instead to tune in to discovering what you were specifically created to do with your life. Yes, specific just to you. There’s a difference between a “general calling” for all …
Hitting Rock Bottom and Loving It (Diane Cunningham)
Have you hit rock bottom in your life? In your business? In both? Diane experienced a “double whammy” the summer of 2013 when God woke her up about her addiction and how it was keeping her from fulfilling His call on her life. Listen to this interview to hear what happened the week she hit rock …
How Do You Define Success?
Seriously. How do YOU define success? I love asking people this question. Some answer quickly with a crisp response, but most people hem and haw a bit before offering a tentative reply. I've noticed that responses depend greatly upon our worldview, our experiences, our faith. Moreover… How You …
Death: You Can Bank on It (Shane Phillips)
Shane Phillips brings real life tragedy together with real world business experience. Through tremendous personal loss he has found his personal and professional calling. In this episode, Shane will discuss his new book First Steps: A Comprehensive Guide To Financial Matters After A Death. He will …
Attention Business Owners! What’s the Elephant in YOUR Room?
As business owners, we can set our own hours. Create our own products. Design our own programs. As business owners, we are free of corporate rules and structure. Free of toxic environments (figuratively and literally). Free of _______ (fill in the blank). Business ownership is a beautiful …