Surrendering to God’s will carries the connotation of facing a life sentence without parole. Who hasn’t had those occasional hair-raising thoughts: “Oh God, don’t make me do that--anything but that.” And as funny as it sounds, it’s true. Surrender, to us mere mortals, can feel like sudden death; the …
Rest in the Hope (Karyn Williams)
Though few things are more unsettling than stepping out of your comfort zone, nothing can compare to the opportunities that come from total surrender to God’s call. Ask KarynWilliams. She left behind friends and family to move to Nashville, and God has used her obedience to open doors she could …
Confessions of a Home-Based Entrepreneur
Sometimes I don’t like it, this work-from-home business. Sometimes the “good ole days” seem so much better -- When direct deposits magically appeared in my bank account When witty, creative colleagues worked and laughed with me in person When I carried a briefcase and wore high …
Getting Grounded in the Midst of Chaos
Oh, the unnerving feeling of losing control. Don’t cha just hate it? I’ve interviewed scores of women on my internet radio show Heart & Soul for Women of Faith who’ve shared that "losing it" is one of their biggest fears and most daunting obstacles. Why does not being able to control our …
Part-Time or Full-Time?
Those of you who know me, or who have spent any time reading my website or listening to my radio show, know that I am all about purpose and calling. It’s a subject that has fascinated and sometimes tormented me since high school. Check this out from the Old and New Testaments: “Hear, O Israel: …
Faith Leaps: Taking Leaps of Faith in your Life and Business (Alyssa Avant)
Do you believe God has placed a purpose and plan in your heart for business? Are you scared to death to pursue the plans you believe God has placed in your heart for business? If you've ever considered taking a leap of faith and doing what you feel God is calling you to do, then you want to …