The statistics for survivors of sexual abuse are rising and more women are coming forth to tell their story. But there are those who are not for various reasons. Some of these women are Christian believers who have are ashamed to admit they are victims or told that God will take care of it. Yet …
Rest in the Hope (Karyn Williams)
Though few things are more unsettling than stepping out of your comfort zone, nothing can compare to the opportunities that come from total surrender to God’s call. Ask KarynWilliams. She left behind friends and family to move to Nashville, and God has used her obedience to open doors she could …
Faith in Business: Why Does It Matter? (Kathleen Hawkins)
We all know God has a plan for each of our lives so why don't we stop and listen when He speaks? Kathleen believes when we learn to have a personal relationship with God, He speaks to us differently. He guides us differently. "BUT ... just because God spoke to Moses through a burning bush, that …
Empowering Your Faith (Dr. Marie Gladden)
Many of us are living beneath the lives we're here on earth to experience mostly because of poor teaching, lack of knowledge, and/or rebellion. We need to realize we're all connected: when we don't fulfill the plans of God on this side of eternity, others are impacted as well. The Bible tells us to …
Multiply Your Purpose! (Fran Pitre)
After sharing their common experience as mothers of twins, Jory and Fran discuss Fran's journey as a "stay-at-home" mom of three sets of twins who helps provide income for her family while remaining available for her children. Fran tells us about her published book TWINS x 3, her personal testimony …
Do Your Life Boldly (Diane Markins)
Most of us are living lives that are fairly unbroken. We work, worship, play, and love. We manage households and try to squeeze in a teensy bit of time for self-care…fitness and recreation. If we’re very determined, we might even have a meaningful, purposeful pursuit on the horizon. Perhaps like …
Monetize Your Brilliance! (Marilyn Angelena)
Do you struggle to reveal the REAL YOU? Do you wish you could get paid for what you love and want to do, but don't know how to "get it out"? Do you wake up in the middle of the night wishing for something more, i.e., balance, structure, knowledge, money, freedom, systems? In our interview, Marilyn …