In this live, interactive discussion, Ann Sieg shares her vision for working with Jesus as her CEO to reach people with the love of God through her community and through her outreach as an online marketer and business woman. She's passionate about helping families create a work-from-home …
7JUN20 Portland, Oregon (Brett Beeson)
Much like my post two months ago, at the onset of the coronavirus and all of its ensuing chaos, as I sit down to write tonight, all I have are questions. I don’t have a structure; I don’t have an angle, religious or otherwise. All I have are questions. Because I am conflicted. I am …
From Janitor to 6-Figure Earner (Jennifer Bryant)
In this live interactive discussion on Heart & Soul for Women of Faith, Jennifer Bryant, who has overcome tremendous odds herself, shares with our listeners the importance of relying on their faith, inner strength, powers, knowledge, and relationships if they want to reach their next levels …
A World Divided ~ A World United (Byron E. Brought)
As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs …
Is God Allowing This Pandemic? (Chris Cree)
“God is in control,” is a common sentiment expressed in Christian circles. Since God is all-knowing and all-powerful, then it seems to make sense that He is also be controlling everything that happens in our world today. However, that concept of an “in control” God quickly runs into a huge …
Listen to Relate ~ Not to Respond (Brigitta Hoeferle)
Communication Master Brigitta Hoeferle shares with us in this Heart & Soul interview the challenges and victories that have paved her path to success so far, along with tips and strategies that will help you follow your purposeful path as a masterful communicator who "listens to relate, not to …
Finding Certainty (Regyna Cooper)
What is Certainty? With chaos and volatile times, we can find ourselves unsettled by all the news. We find ourselves constantly looking for things to settle down and struggling to catch our breath. There is a popular phrase that states, “the only things certain are death and taxes." This may be …