Many of us are in the “sandwich generation,” taking care of aging parents and children while we serve as leaders in the workplace and mentors. With so much going on, it is easy to forget how important we are. We neglect our sleep, fail to eat right, and push off our spiritual development to tend to …
Hunting for Acorns (Jennifer Miller, LPC)
I grew up as a Grade A certified people pleaser. I needed praise like that prehistoric squirrel in Ice Age needed that acorn. I was hunting for acorns, doing everything I could to receive positive, encouraging, uplifting words from those around me. It filled me up. It drove me on. It made everything …
How to Help End Addiction (Beverly Buncher)
Beverly Buncher, Founder of Family Recovery Resources, helps families blaze the trail of sobriety through coaching and training programs. On Aug 15th, Bev will discuss how being a loving mirror to a person who is using can help to lessen the chance of relapse in your home. During her time on the …
Work/Life Balance is a Myth (Julie Fleming)
Have you ever felt the pain when your business role conflicts with your personal or family roles? Every business owner wears multiple hats: CEO, marketer, IT consultant, researcher, and many more. It's tough enough to manage those roles alongside ordinary family roles, but when life throws you a …
Affair-Proofing Both Your Marriage AND Career (Shannon Ethridge)
How can a woman "affair-proof" not just her marriage, but also her CAREER? When we consider the impact of sexual affairs or emotional entanglements, we often think of marriages being threatened and families torn apart, and these ARE indeed the most tragic casualties. But a woman who has worked hard …
How Goal-Setting Leads to Health, Success, and Happiness
Are you a person who already believes that goal-setting leads to health, success, and happiness? Or are you a person who associates "goal-setting" with failed New Year's Resolutions, full-out frustration, and, "No way. If I declare a goal, I might actually have to do it, which I won't, so I'm not …
The Art of Gratitude (Theresa Ceniccola)
Tis the season of gratitude and you may be feeling motivated to count your blessings. The truth is that we should be living in gratitude all year long. Philippians 4:8 tells us to think about those things that are right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy. But as busy women and …