As soon as I finish writing this blog post (and mopping the kitchen floor), I head out to Seneca, South Carolina to celebrate the life of my cousin’s husband, Alan Gates, who died unexpectedly and well before his time. I anticipate a beautiful tribute to an accomplished, caring, committed pilot and …
Happy Mother’s Day!
How fortunate I feel every day. Especially today, May 8, 2011. My youngest daughter Brett (youngest by four minutes) is about to complete her plebe year at the U.S. Naval Academy. My “middle” daughter Jana (Brett’s twin sister) is flying home as I write, inwardly pleased with her awesome GPA as …
Guest Post by Allison Johnson – Loving Someone with Bipolar Mood Disorder
The morning of August 16, 2005 expectations for my future and the future of my family met with the harshest of realities. My husband had disappeared and I didn’t know if he was ever coming back. The clues he left me that morning suggested that suicide was imminent, causing me to race against time, …
Poets, Purpose & Passion
My daughter Brett teases me for putting “movies that matter” on the Netflix queue. Though my husband and I do watch our fair share of romantic comedies, espionage, and intrigue, for the most part I prefer movies with a message—such as Dead Poets Society. (Dave, God bless him, has grown used to my …
Phantom, Passion, and Perseverance (Jory Fisher)
“Mom, we have to drive to Dallas NOW! An ice storm is coming, and my flight will get cancelled again!” Hmmmm … It takes almost 20 hours to drive straight from Lynchburg to Dallas in good weather … “Jana, honey, that’s not going to work. Let’s see what other options we have.” Thus continued our …
New Horizons
The young girl’s face was flush with joy and excitement as she eagerly awaited The Countdown at Times Square. Her proud father stood next to her, frigid cold but beaming from ear to ear. On national TV she told us that she had begged her dad to take her to NYC for New Year’s Eve. His response: …
Stuffocated? (Jory Fisher)
Have you ever watched the show “Stuffocated”? I saw it for the first time last night and am still marveling that one three-person family could have over 12,000 pounds of stuff in their small three-bedroom home. The inherent message of the show—it’s relationships that matter, not material …