You pray for your business, right? You ask God to bless it, find the best employees for you, steer customers your way, and help you be the best leader in the world. Consider for a moment your favorite prayer partner: that go-to believer you run to whenever you need someone to agree with you in …
15 “Shalts” to Help You Fulfill Your Calling as a Purpose-Guided Entrepreneur
Ever written down what you need to do to fulfill your calling as a purpose-guided entrepreneur? Please tell us what would be on your "Shalt List" in the Comment Box below. I'll get us started... To Be Successful as a Purpose-Guided Entrepreneur, Thou Shalt ~ 1. Nurture thy faith in God. …
Leading and Following (Rev. Carol Pazdersky)
Whom do you follow? Who is following you? As many parts of the country are eagerly anticipating the sun and warmth of the next season, it is a good time to evaluate where we are before we “spring” into the future. As Christians and as leaders, self-reflection is always helpful. Use these …
Practice Does Not Make Perfect (Jennifer Miller, LPC)
We have all heard the saying that practice makes perfect. But the truth is that nothing we do will make us perfect. Only Jesus can make us perfect. So, I suggest that we stop striving for perfection, and instead strive to simply keep going. Easier said than done, right? Well, check out what the …
Unwrapping the Wonder of Christmas (Jory Fisher & Kim Crabill)
It’s Christmas Eve. You have shopped till you dropped, made enough food to feed a small city, wrapped what seems like a trainload of gifts, and earned overtime pay for postal workers because of all the Christmas cards you sent. Now you are frazzled and weary and feeling strangely dry. You are …
Is Jesus the Lord of Your Business? (Mike Van Vranken)
When I was a freshman in college, a close friend came to me late one Saturday night and asked if I had ever made Jesus Christ the Lord of my life. I smiled and said, “Sure. I’ve been a Catholic all my life.” He said he wasn’t asking if I was a Christian. He wanted to know if there were any parts of …
Choose Health. Choose Hope. Choose Victory.
Every day, as soon as we wake up, we're faced with choices. Every day, as soon as we wake up, we have the chance to choose health, choose hope, choose victory. But do we??? Let's talk about RESOLUTIONS a minute since they're on everybody's mind these days. According to the Harris poll, …