Sometimes I don’t like it, this work-from-home business. Sometimes the “good ole days” seem so much better -- When direct deposits magically appeared in my bank account When witty, creative colleagues worked and laughed with me in person When I carried a briefcase and wore high …
Jory Fisher
A Sin To Be Poor?
Perhaps. But not always. If we place money and displays of wealth above our relationships with God and our fellow man, then whether our incomes are high or not-so-high, we’re out of sync with the person we’re designed to be. Worse – We’re in violation of divine law. We. Have. Sinned. So …
Getting Grounded in the Midst of Chaos
Oh, the unnerving feeling of losing control. Don’t cha just hate it? I’ve interviewed scores of women on my internet radio show Heart & Soul for Women of Faith who’ve shared that "losing it" is one of their biggest fears and most daunting obstacles. Why does not being able to control our …
Know What You Believe!
As we transition from Thanksgiving to Advent, my goal is to maintain my sense of gratitude. Being clear about what we believe and, specifically, what we’re grateful for is a critical first step to leading lives of success, satisfaction, and significance. I’ll go first . . . This I Know To Be True …
Are You Well-Connected?
The U.S. Naval Academy’s Chaplain Brian Weigelt delivered one of his thought-provoking, spirit-moving sermons yesterday entitled “Joint Operations.” As he preached on our need for radically strong vertical and horizontal relationships (giving a clarion call for all branches of service to seek …
Be Ye Therefore Perfect!!!!
Last night I awoke abruptly at 2:45 a.m. pondering the word “perfectionism.” How bizarre, I thought, until I remembered that upon retiring I had asked God to give me guidance on what I should blog about this week. Of course I might also have been thinking about perfectionism because I’m on a …
Prospecting for Gold
In his classic book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill tells us about a man, caught by gold fever in the gold rush days, who went west to “DIG and grow rich.” He struck gold alright, but the vein of gold disappeared soon after he purchased machinery to bring the ore to the surface. He and his …