There it is... The blinking cursor on the empty screen.You need to write a blog post or article, to put together your next presentation, or even to come up with something witty and thought-provoking for social media. You're stuck--but you can escape the pressure. In today's market, "content is …
life purpose
Do You Know the True Purpose of Prosperity?
Have you ever considered the True Purpose of Prosperity? Many Christians view financial "prosperity" and "abundance" as downright evil, citing over and over again Jesus's parable about the rich man and his camel as ample justification for their view. I get that. I used to have a hard time with …
“Help Me Make Money!”
If I've heard it once, I've heard it a hundred times from my friends, clients, and colleagues: "Please help me make money. I'm spending more than I earn!" "Help Me Make Money Doing What I Love !!" Business owners, all of the ones I know anyway, are a beautiful, passionate lot. They (we) go into …
Interview with Jory Fisher on Growing a Successful Coaching Business [Guest Post by Author & Life Coach Jan Kern]
Establishing or growing a successful coaching business or ministry is a challenge, and many of us hit seasons when we wonder if it’s worth the effort to push through our questions and disappointments to build it, especially in a struggling economy. Jory Fisher is well acquainted with that journey. …
To My Mother Jory Fisher on Her 60th Birthday (Brett Beeson)
Jory Fisher with Twin Daughters Jana (L) and Brett (R) Circa 1993 March 9, 2013 Dear Mom, I originally just wanted to write you a private note. But then I decided I wanted the whole world to know. As many people as possible. All of the good that you have done for me and the joy and beauty you have …
4 Keys to Start Your Own Business (Jory Fisher)
Our Unique Call ~ Henri J.M. Nouwen "So many terrible things happen every day that we start wondering whether the few things we do ourselves make any sense. When people are starving only a few thousands miles away, when wars are raging close to our borders, when countless people in our cities have …
Six Steps to Running a Business While Raising a Family (Theresa Ceniccola)
Have you ever wondered how some people manage to do it all? How do they run a business while raising a family -- and make everything look so effortless? The truth is -- if they are really successful, they are NOT doing it all! In fact, they are intentionally choosing NOT to do some things so that …