Yesterday’s “Iron Grip Cardio” class was a wake-up call. I thought I was in pretty good shape. Shoot, just two weeks ago I hiked to the top of Kauai’s Sleeping Giant! But yesterday the perky 20-something’s orders to jump and leap and squat and lunge and press and step and do it all again 30 times …
Purpose, Prosperity, and Commitment
What comes to mind when you hear the word “prosperity”? Probably money and lots of it, but what about good health, rich relationships, and work you enjoy? What if you included them in your definition—and led a deliciously prosperous life? Close your eyes and imagine. Lovely vision, isn’t …
Tithing as a Spiritual Law of Prosperity
On Sunday I drove to Richmond, VA to attend a Prosperity Workshop at the Unity Christ Church of Bon Air. Having read several times Edwene Gaines’ gem of a book The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity, I was eager to meet this dynamic, passionate, and powerful woman. She did not disappoint! Edwene …
Overcoming Underearning… and then what? (Barbara Stanny)
Do you chronically underestimate your earning potential? Do you have a high tolerance for low pay? Barbara Stanny, the Leading Authority on Women and Money, talks with Jory and Beth about the biggest mistake women make concerning money. Her five essential steps to financial independence bring a …