How are you being used for God's purposes? At a church pool party a couple of years ago, one of the children in the congregation had a near fatal drowning incident. As you can imagine it was traumatic for all involved. As scary as it was, it was proof positive of the power of God in times of …
Law of Attraction and God’s Will (Beth Misner)
Some years ago, a popular book painted a fresh coat of paint on the concept known as the Law of Attraction. The Secret is still on best-seller lists, and the "LOA" is taught and practiced by many people. But what does the LOA have to do with the Bible? Beth will share where the Bible supports the …
Are You Tending Your Spirit? (Guest Blogger Rev. Carol Pazdersky)
Balance is hard to achieve in life. The legitimate needs of our families, work, friendships, and community each pull us in a different direction. With so much going on in our lives, we can experience times when faith feels more like an obligation or our spirituality reduces to a check-off …
Success through Surrender (Marcie Thomas)
Surrendering to God’s will carries the connotation of facing a life sentence without parole. Who hasn’t had those occasional hair-raising thoughts: “Oh God, don’t make me do that--anything but that.” And as funny as it sounds, it’s true. Surrender, to us mere mortals, can feel like sudden death; the …
How to Thrive as a Victim of Abuse (Gail Gardner)
The statistics for survivors of sexual abuse are rising and more women are coming forth to tell their story. But there are those who are not for various reasons. Some of these women are Christian believers who have are ashamed to admit they are victims or told that God will take care of it. Yet …
Rest in the Hope (Karyn Williams)
Though few things are more unsettling than stepping out of your comfort zone, nothing can compare to the opportunities that come from total surrender to God’s call. Ask KarynWilliams. She left behind friends and family to move to Nashville, and God has used her obedience to open doors she could …
Going for the Gold!
Going for the Gold! It’s mind-boggling to think of the discipline and focus of the Summer Olympians. Marveling at photos of their toned bodies and ripped muscles, I nurse my latté and enjoy a slice of Key Lime Mango heaven from The Cheesecake Factory. Though I’d love to be as sleek and fit …