I am a prideful human being. That’s right, you heard me. No generic “we,” no soft-shoeing qualifiers. I am a prideful individual. Check that one off the list of seven deadly sins. Now, goofy grin and goofier hair aside, this pride manifests itself daily in many ways. Vanity and insecurity of …
Let’s Talk About Sex (Jory Fisher & Jennifer Miller)
Intimacy issues have become a multi-billion dollar business, but what most people don’t realize is that, a lot of the time, those issues are more mental and emotional than physical. If we are going to take a look at our struggles with connecting with someone intimately, then we must go back to where …
The Church’s S-word (Jory Fisher & Jennifer Miller)
Yes, the Christian Church has an “s-word” all of its own and it is “submission.” Everyone has some sort of reaction when they encounter that word. It may be positive and it may be challenging, especially with the changing attitudes of our culture. A traditional approach to understanding how men and …
The Mayhem of our Moods (Jennifer Miller, LPC)
Moods. We all have them. Sometimes they are positive and good, uplifting the people around us and the energy of a room. Sometimes they are agitated, bothering other people and intensifying how a situation feels. Still other times, they are heavy and low, bringing everyone and everything down …
How Your Gender Affects the Workplace (Jory Fisher & Jennifer Miller)
Research shows that while the majority of women work outside the home, they still continue to do double the housework and twice as much time caring for the children as their working husbands. This is a reality that totally explains how we find many women living with a Super Woman Complex. Because …
Surviving Christmas With the Family (Jennifer Miller, LPC)
For some, Christmas means … The Nativity. Heaven come to Earth. Immanuel, God with us. For others, it means … Decorations. Gifts. Egg nog. Carols. Even Santa Claus. Regardless, it most definitely means … time with the family. That is one of the most interesting things about the …
Overcoming the Super Woman Complex (Jory Fisher & Jennifer Miller)
Research shows that while the majority of women work outside the home, they still continue to do double the housework and twice as much time caring for the children as their working husbands. This is a reality that totally explains how we find many women living with a Super Woman Complex. Because …