It happens to all of us. None of us can ever escape it. Age. Moment-by-moment we are getting older and that process has various effects on who we are and how we live. In this episode, Jory and Jennifer explore the different facets of aging and the impacts that it has on us throughout our lifespan. …
Beauty is Fleeting. It’s Character that Lasts.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. ~Proverbs 31:30-31 Primer? Check. Concealer? Check. Foundation? Check. I don’t know about you, but I’ve …
The Church’s S-word (Jory Fisher & Jennifer Miller)
Yes, the Christian Church has an “s-word” all of its own and it is “submission.” Everyone has some sort of reaction when they encounter that word. It may be positive and it may be challenging, especially with the changing attitudes of our culture. A traditional approach to understanding how men and …
How Your Gender Affects the Workplace (Jory Fisher & Jennifer Miller)
Research shows that while the majority of women work outside the home, they still continue to do double the housework and twice as much time caring for the children as their working husbands. This is a reality that totally explains how we find many women living with a Super Woman Complex. Because …
Sponges (Kim Crabill)
I found an old sponge in my garage the other day. Dry. Brittle. Used up. It was barely recognizable as a sponge. Looking at that sponge was like looking in the mirror. There I was at the end of the hectic holidays, at the end of myself—dry, brittle, all used up. I wanted to face the New Year with …
Overcoming the Super Woman Complex (Jory Fisher & Jennifer Miller)
Research shows that while the majority of women work outside the home, they still continue to do double the housework and twice as much time caring for the children as their working husbands. This is a reality that totally explains how we find many women living with a Super Woman Complex. Because …
Feminine Strengths at Work (Jory Fisher & Jennifer Miller)
When it comes to work and career, it doesn’t always seem like being a woman is a great benefit. This can be due to a lot of things, but, in this episode, Jory and Jennifer explore how certain characteristics and traits specific to the female gender can create struggles in the workplace. Does being …