Would you like to take a journey to bring you to your best self?
Do you want to have freedom in your mind like you have not experienced in a while?
Do you desire to drop some undesired weight?
Well, I have the answer – FORGIVE.
Two err is human, to forgive is divine.
Alexander Pope
The definition of divine is ‘the providence of God; excellent; delightful.’
When we speak of forgiveness and healing, we are examining our lives from a place of holding grudges and holding people responsible for OUR pain. Yes, they may have hurt you, disappointed you, even made you angry. However, the response you have can do one of two things: 1) put you in bondage, or 2) set you free.
Your response for choosing to forgive is extremely powerful. You allow yourself the freedom to be. Yes, freedom. When we are holding grudges we are weighing ourselves down. Look at the words “holding a grudge” – that is a verb, an action. We are in the act of a person or thing that holds. In sports terms it means ‘the illegal obstruction of an opponent.’ When we hold a grudge, we are illegally obstructing someone from moving. In this case that person is ourselves.
When we talk about it, when we think about it, when we post on social media – that is our illegal move. We are the ones that have the power to set ourselves free. Stop holding grudges and be free!
Be like this song in Frozen and “let it go.” Now I am not saying that it will be easy, but I am saying that it is necessary if we want to live our lives in authenticity and not be bound by the thing that:
1. is in the past;
2. cannot be altered;
3. serves no significant positive purpose.
Choose to be your best self. Choose to have the freedom like you have not experienced in a long time. Choose to drop some weight from your mind and essentially your body. Forgive.
Questions to Ponder
- What do you think prevents most people from choosing to forgive?
- If we knew what the consequences would be for our lack of forgiveness, how quickly would we be to forgive?
- How can we help someone on their journey to forgiveness?
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