Baltimore Business Success Club | Cultivating a Success Mentality
This Week’s Topic is “Cultivating a Success Mentality”
What to Expect: A friendly gathering of business owners, entrepreneurs, and sales professionals who want to hone their skills and foster meaningful relationships. Business Coach Jory Fisher will lead a discussion at each Lunch ‘n Learn. You do NOT have to be a member of the Chamber to attend.
What to Bring: (suggested) Biz Cards, Whatever-You-Use-To-Take-Notes, and Your Own Lunch. 🙂
What to Prepare: A brief introduction of who you are and how you serve others through your work.
How to RSVP: If you’re not already a member, please join the Baltimore Business Success Club Meetup (no charge). You can then register separately for each event. RSVP for this event here.
How to Find Us: The Chamber is located next to MaGerk’s Pub & Grill (downtown Bel Air).
Parking is available at the meters in the Bond Street Parking lot and along Thomas Street. There is a parking garage at 6 S Hickory Avenue (.3 mi and a 6 min walk to the Chamber). Please do not park in the Chamber parking lot.
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