Even when the economy is down, there’s opportunity. In fact, there’s often quite a bit! Monica Parker, JD, is a career coach for lawyers who are dissatisfied with the practice of law but aren’t sure what to do about it. This presentation isn’t just for lawyers, however. It’s for anyone who is unhappy in his or her career and wants guidance on how to find career satisfaction whether economic times are good or bad. In addition to sharing tips and strategies that work for her clients, Monica will share her own personal experience as a career change expert.
About Monica Parker, JD
Monica Parker, JD, helps unhappy lawyers find and pursue fulfilling work outside of the practice of law through her company, LeavingTheLaw.com. A graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School, Monica has pursued a number of her passions from working in film development for Spike Lee, to teaching negotiation at Harvard Law School, to helping lawyers create their dream careers.
She is the author of What It Takes: How Women of Color Can Thrive Within the Practice of Law (American Bar Association) and The Unhappy Lawyer: A Roadmap To Finding Meaningful Work Outside Of The Law (Sourcebooks).
Monica’s Coaching Suggestion
Remember what it was like to be a child? Carefree, curious, joyful, playful, open. Temper tantrums experienced and then quickly let go. Lots of laughter and fun. If you didn’t want to do it, you didn’t. Tap into that child-like nature. You still have it. It’s that kind of energy and passion and excitement that will sustain you as you make your career transition. As adults, we tend to squelch that stuff. We call it immaturity. Nonsense. It’s the essence of living a purpose-filled life. Think of any adults you know who love what they do. I’ll bet they’re exhibiting some, if not all, of the characteristics described above.
Monica’s Quote for the Day
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” ~Poet Mary Oliver
Click on the audio arrow below to listen to the interview.
On October 20th Beth and I interviewed Monica Parker, JD about the joy of being fully engaged in our work and knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that we’re making the unique difference we’re meant to make. We discussed several of the roadblocks to making a career change—roadblocks such as (1) identity issues; (2) lack of support from family and friends; and (3) educational and personal debt. Monica offered us the three-step process she uses with her clients (lawyers and non-lawyers alike) emphasizing that we can’t just rely on fate or chance to bring us a lovely, new career. Monica may be reached through her website http://www.leavingthelaw.com or by email at monica(at)leavingthelaw.com.
Would love to hear what you think!
Congratulations, Monica, on having the courage to give up your dream to follow God’s dream for you! 🙂
Dr. MaryAnn Diorio