The U.S. Naval Academy’s Chaplain Brian Weigelt delivered one of his thought-provoking, spirit-moving sermons yesterday entitled “Joint Operations.” As he preached on our need for radically strong vertical and horizontal relationships (giving a clarion call for all branches of service to seek guidance from Above and be fully supportive of one another), I kept staring at the cross above him.
Here I am, 58.75 years old, and yet that’s the first time I’ve ever deeply reflected on how the shape of the cross symbolizes our vertical relationship with our Creator as well as our horizontal relationships with our fellow man. Pondering the Chaplain’s words, I stared at the intersection of the two pieces of wood, where an upside-down dove is often carved to represent the descending of the Holy Spirit upon Jesus, upon us.
The Holy Spirit at the center of the cross . . . at the center of our hearts . . . at the center of our relationships.
The cross is all about heart-centered, soul-centered, vertical and horizontal relationships. The cross is all about Joint Operations!
Before we begin our work . . . before we connect with our friends, family, colleagues, clients, and prospective clients, let’s remember to do what David was advised in Psalm 46:10: “Be still, and know that I am God.”
We must connect to our Power Source.
We must connect to the Divine.
Only then are we ready to connect with one another.
I’d love to read your thoughts in the comment section below.
Great reflections Jory. It’s easy to by-pass the connection with God in favor of those in our midst (with skin and clothes on)… but what they add to us and what we bring to them is exponentially boosted when we start with the Lord and invite His holy presence into our relationships and interfaces each day!
Exponentially boosted indeed! Thanks for taking the time to comment, Diane. You know how much I value your insight.