Domestic Violence is a broad term that encompasses many facets of abuse (physical, emotional, psychological, and sexual); however, its ultimate goal is the same — to control through fear. Domestic Violence is a secret sin in the Body of Christ. As long as Domestic Violence and its traumatic effects remain covered in shame and darkness, there can be no help. The first and most courageous step is bringing this violence out in the open. Let’s talk about it and break the silence. “The Lord of Hosts, the Lord Most Vehement, has heard the cry of His daughters, the Women of Worth. He is beckoning the Church, the army of God, to take up this cause and defeat this present day Goliath.”
About Judy Brinkley
To the glory of God, Judy is Out Of The Box of Domestic Violence. As a minister, counselor, and author, she is dedicated to seeing other women set free. Likewise, Judy’s experience as a university dance teacher still infiltrates the ministry today. Her expertise and passion for the arts is evident within First Love Ministries & Dreamcenter. Judy is available to speak and minister at conferences, seminars, the local church, women’s groups and organizations. Her Spirit-led journey “Out Of The Box of Domestic Violence” has equipped her with an overcomer’s testimony. Jesus Christ has anointed and empowered her with a message to heal the brokenhearted and set the captives free. Judy resides in the Space Coast area of Florida with her husband John. Contact: &
Judy’s Success Tip
1. Give Jesus Christ permission to become your EVERYTHING.
2. Let Him call you back to your First Love.
3. Let go of Shattered Dreams. They are dead. Pursue new dreams. His dreams and visions
for your life.
Judy’s Favorite Quote
The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of them all.
Listen to the interview with Judy by clicking the audio arrow or link below.
Judy, that was a beautiful and inspired interview. Thank you for sharing your heart and baring your soul with us. I pray your message transforms lives for years to come.
I e-mailed you and just wanted to share a little here.
Married to an abuser, my church voted me out of membership, with my name up on a big screen (3 times), followed by the words, “Conduct Unbecoming a Child of God.” It was because I let the x live in my house after the divorce……..36 years of abuse.
I have always been able to make something positive come from the “ashes” of my life.
I consider myself an over comer and wounded healer. I wrote about my life, won a scholarship and am a freshman in social work/counseling at age 65!
I believe we are here to make a difference, and my passion is to get the message out there regarding verbal abuse; not often understood and the dynamics can even be missed by theapists.
I’ve been working like a “Trojan” for over 10 years to get on national television, to speak about this “shredding of souls.” If it hadn’t been for The Verbally Abusive Relationship by Patricia Evans, I might still be living in abuse. I believe this book should be required reading for everyone on the planet.
The statistics are staggering : 1 in 3 women are living in silence, fear and shame behind closed doors; this is over 52 million women in the U.S.
I haven’t been back to a church in 7 years; spiritual abuse is a wound which can never heal.
I believe we need to take the word “domestic” out of….the word, violence….violence is….violence.
I have a producer interested in making my documentary; I will call it, The Silent Scream…I want to be the voice for the millions of women who are suffering with this devastating nightmare of abuse.
Thank you.
Kind Regards, Alice (over comer and wounded healer)
P.S. I am also a moderator of an abused survivors’ group.
Thank you and bless you, Alice. I encourage you to get in touch with Judy. I’m sure she’d love to hear from you. What a powerful testimony you have!