“Quidit!” My husband and I chuckle whenever we think of the woman we met years ago at a Bed & Breakfast. She’d squeak “Quit it!” so fast, it sounded like a single syllable. Dave and I now “own” the expression and use it any time we want something to stop…as in, when I want him to stop …
Recipe for Success
I was chatting with a friend of mine about recipes—not an activity I engage in frequently as my family will assure you. This conversation intrigued me. If you were to create a recipe for success, what ingredients would you include? According to Dictionary.com and Wikipedia.org, “success” may …
On Eagle’s Wings
Why? Why do you do what you do? Why do you pour your time, treasure, and talents into building a business? Last night I saw for perhaps the fifth time the award-winning classic Chariots of Fire. Though I don’t agree with Eric Liddell’s view of God as a “divine dictator” who demands that …
Goal Setting for Personal and Professional Success
Last week we talked about tithing as a way of saying “Thank you, God, for all the good I’ve received” - tithing as a way of acknowledging God as our Source. This week we focus on Goal Setting - what Edwene Gaines considers the second Spiritual Law of Prosperity.* What do you want your life to …