We can be a leader in many ways and places, in our careers, at home, or in our social life. But, we aren’t automatically a leader because we were appointed to a position or given a title. A true leader is someone people want to follow. In today’s episode we talk about what it takes to be the kind of …
Reach Your Full Potential in Every Aspect of Your Life (Dr. Laura DeCesaris)
If we can acquire the inner strength, the confidence, the balance, the willingness to learn about our bodies and health, the rest is easy. We can reach our full potential in every aspect of our life. Health & Wellness Expert Dr. Laura DeCesaris shares with us how the world (food, …
Everything Happens for a Reason (Mia Jones)
Have you ever experienced unbearable times in your life — those times when you felt lost and had no idea how to keep going? Maybe it was in a relationship or a business or maybe even a life and death situation. The reality is that at some point in life, we will all experience some type of …
Life Amid Coronavirus: What’s Your Story?
Last week The Baltimore Sun issued a call for stories. Stories from Marylanders on Life Amid Coronavirus. Here's my submission: I write from the perspective of a senior who owns her own business and works from home. My husband Dave is an essential worker at Johns Hopkins Medical Center. He …
Taking Care Of Me! (James R. Cooper)
Psalm 139:14 I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. After spending time coaching and advising people in business and ministry, I have realized we often discount the role or value we play to the …
The Importance of Rest (James R. Cooper)
“Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 “We are pitchers not faucets, we must sit still to be filled.” James R. Cooper I, like many reformed Type A personalities (please don’t ask Regyna if I’m reformed) had workaholic tendencies. I believed the …
The Care and Feeding of You (Rev. Carol Pazdersky)
Being a pastor is the most humbling and rewarding call I can imagine. To be invited to share in the deep moments of life — the joys and sorrows, the victories and the defeats — with those I serve is a gift from God for which I am deeply grateful. Each of the five congregations I have served has …