We can be a leader in many ways and places, in our careers, at home, or in our social life. But, we aren’t automatically a leader because we were appointed to a position or given a title. A true leader is someone people want to follow. In today’s episode we talk about what it takes to be the kind of leader people want to follow in this day and age, someone who can take on and surmount the challenges of our current, unpredictable world. We’ll talk about how health relates to leadership and deserves our time and attention, and the kinds of changes we can make today to become better leaders, healthier, happier people, and good role models for the people we care about.

Luci Gabel, MBA, MA is a leadership optimal performance coach, and the performance strategist for the business consulting firm, Presidio Advisors in Los Angeles. She helps people be better leaders and build better teams. She has 20+ years of leadership experience: working for private companies, the US Department of Defense, as well as experience in startup and entrepreneurship. Luci also teaches at San Jose State University, For as many years experience she has in leadership, she has the same in health. She’s worked in both fields all her life. She has a bachelors’ degree in pre-medicine and one in nutrition, a master’s in exercise physiology, and an MBA. Luci recently authored the book “Eat to Lead.” Learn to take care of yourself and your teams because the two are profoundly, and inextricably related!

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