Money and wealth can be a controversial topic with Christians. It shouldn't be. A full-time pastor for twenty years, and full-time missionary for five, Curt Johnson will discuss how and where "universal success laws" line up with biblical precepts. (He'll also explore how New Age thought and the …
Lessons Learned on the Entrepreneurial Journey (Julie Fleming)
It's been said that entrepreneurship is the greatest course in personal development. Julie Fleming and Jory Fisher will discuss the lessons they've learned (both business and personal) in the combined nearly twelve years since they launched their businesses. From "must have" tools to tips on how to …
God People Money (Susanne Sartelle)
Susanne Sartelle's book God People Money shares stories of business leaders who keep Christ at the center of business. They put God first, people second -- which includes customers and employees -- and money last. See how God is using these people to build His Kingdom through making disciples at …
A Sin To Be Poor?
Perhaps. But not always. If we place money and displays of wealth above our relationships with God and our fellow man, then whether our incomes are high or not-so-high, we’re out of sync with the person we’re designed to be. Worse – We’re in violation of divine law. We. Have. Sinned. So …
The Quest to Serendipity (Nancy Oakley)
Nancy will share her rags to riches story of her life as a little girl running from the mob in Thailand to life as a highly successful entrepreneur in San Antonio, TX. Listeners will come away with business tips, encouragement, and inspiration to help them achieve their dreams. About Nancy …
Yes, You Really Are Worth It! (Coach Jenn Lee)
Women tend to attach their personal value to their various roles, positions in community and church, and business success. They pride themselves in using their God-given talents and strengths to serve and bless others--exactly how He intended. This is all well and good until that woman transitions …
Know Your Purpose!
Know Your Purpose! In a perfect world, we’d have no reason to doubt. Whatever claims were made, whatever promises were given, we’d believe them with the trust and expectancy of a small, wide-eyed child. But it’s a fallen world. A broken world. And public trust in business is at an all-time …