We’ve all heard the saying, “Our beliefs create our reality,” but what does this really mean? Lion Goodman spent 35 years researching this question and proved it to be true. Then he developed a new methodology for actually changing beliefs, quickly and permanently. This has an immediate, profound impact on our life as we know it–and on our life as we live it.
The BeliefCloset Process™ is an easy-to-master guided process that enables you to examine the beliefs you inherited or took on in the past, test them for viability today, and discard the ones that don’t work anymore and replace them with beliefs that will serve you better. Our old limiting beliefs are like outfits you once wore, but have outgrown. It’s time for a makeover!
Lion teaches this potent methodology to coaches and therapists worldwide. Reports of profound changes in the psyches and lives of clients continue to pour in.
About Lion Goodman
Lion is a workshop leader, author, coach, and businessman. He has 30 years of business experience and 35 years of study, practice, and research in psychology, philosophy, personal development, and spiritual evolution. As an executive search consultant and career coach, he worked with more than 250 companies across the U.S.
He teaches The BeliefCloset Process™ to coaches, therapists, and facilitators of transformation worldwide. He is the founder of the Sacred Centers’ Coach Training program, a whole-person coaching methodology based on the chakra system.
Lion is the author of Menlightenment, a book for awakening men, and is a co-author of the book, The Heart of Healing, along with Deepak Chopra and others. His fiction and non-fiction articles have been published internationally.
More information is available on his websites: BeliefCloset.com and EverydayAwakening.com.
Lion’s Coaching Suggestion
Lion suggests that you begin examining the hidden and transparent beliefs that are running your life.
Ask yourself, “What do I believe about ____________?” Spend a few minutes writing down your beliefs about each of the following topics:
- Myself
- My body
- My health
- My work
- My sexuality
- My abilities
- My limitations
- My attitudes
- My family
- My relationships
- My soul, spirit or spiritual self
- Money & Finances
- God/Spirit/Source
- The world
- Good & Evil
- Life & Death
- Truth
- The past
- The future
- My beliefs
2. Circle the beliefs that you believe may be behind the difficulties in your life.
3. For the circled beliefs, ask yourself the following questions:
- Has this belief been beneficial or detrimental to me in my life?
- Was this belief indoctrinated into me? If so, by whom? Did I ever consciously choose to believe it? If so, when? Why did I do so?
- What has been the advantage of having this belief? How has it served me in my life? What did I get or gain by having this belief? What did I avoid by having this belief?
- Who would I be without this belief?
- What would I prefer to believe instead?
4. Download the free BeliefCloset Jump-Start Kit by signing up on www.BeliefCloset.com/jsk1. Listen to the BeliefCloset Audio Guide, which will take you through the BeliefCloset Process so you can eliminate and replace three of your limiting or negative beliefs that you don’t want anymore.
Lion’s Quote for the Day
“We are as gods. So we might as well get good at it.” ~Stewart Brand, founder of the Whole Earth Catalog
Click on the arrow below to listen to the interview.
On July 21st, Beth and I interviewed Lion Goodman—coach, author, workshop leader, and developer of The BeliefCloset Process™, a healing tool for transforming even your deepest internal conflicts. If you’ve ever wondered what’s holding you back from becoming all you’re meant to be… if you’ve ever wondered why it’s so difficult to implement your new year’s resolutions, then listen to this interview. Lion tells us that every time we attempt to create a new belief about ourselves, the old beliefs reassert themselves—beliefs that must be “deleted” one by one. He graciously extends a special offer to listeners of our Heart & Soul interview and invites you to go to http://www.beliefcloset.com/jsk1 to grab your free BeliefCloset Jump-Start Kit.
Would love to know what you think!