With July 4th preparations in full swing, now is an excellent time to reflect on the many freedoms we enjoy in the USA…including financial freedom. Are you ready to celebrate that?
Every client and colleague I know rates financial freedom at the higher end of their goals and aspirations list. Some rate it right at the tippy top.
Yet many of those same clients and colleagues, according to their own estimation, have not achieved it.
For clarity purposes [think S.M.A.R.T. goals…], we need to be certain of our own definition of this deeply held value if we ever wish to make financial freedom a reality. To that end–
Whether you’ll celebrate the 4th of July with me this week or your own country’s “birthday” another day…
What Does Financial Freedom Mean to You?
According to Money Expert Barbara Stanny, who equates financial freedom with financial independence, it means:
“…making a good living and enjoying a good life, where money enhances your well-being, not exacerbates your stress. Financial independence does not come from what you earn. It comes from what you do with what you have.” (Overcoming Underearning, Copyright © 2005).
- Many if not most money experts equate financial freedom with debt freedom.
- Many if not most entrepreneurs equate financial freedom with being able to be who you are and do what you feel called to do.
- Many if not most entrepreneurs equate financial freedom with being able to make the difference you’re here on earth to make — free from financial constraints.
Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?
Hold on, we’re not ready to celebrate just yet.
How Much Do You Value Financial Freedom?
If financial freedom isn’t all that important to you, you’re not going to work that hard to achieve it. So ask yourself:
- How important is it for you to get out of debt?
- How important is it for you to have 6 months’ income in savings?
- How important is it for you to have excellent credit scores?
It seems that, for some people, such considerations don’t make it to the top of their values list. Do they make it to the top of yours?
Assuming they do, before you can celebrate financial freedom, you still need to answer another question.
What’s Your Plan to Attain Financial Freedom?
This step is the one that trips up a lot of folks, myself included. As an ENFJ personality type, I’m all about structure and planning. But say the words “business plan” or “savings plan” (any kind of numbers plan), and I feel my heart rate go up instantly.
We need to have a P L A N, ladies and gents!!! (Thank you, gentlemen, for reading my posts.)
Financial freedom isn’t going to show up on our doorstep like an eagerly anticipated order from Amazon. Nope… we have to work for it!!!
And a HUGE PART of that P L A N needs to encompass Mindset — Money Mindset in particular.
From biblical times to now, it’s clear our relationship with money is vital to our personal, spiritual, and professional development. It’s vital to our success…
I don’t just mean financial success.
If we don’t have a healthy relationship with money, IMHO, prosperity in all its manifestations will elude us.
- If you believe you need to improve your Money Mindset…
- If you think you might enjoy being a member of a Small Group…
- If you consider yourself a Christian Woman Entrepreneur…
Join my next Small Group Teleseminar which begins July 18, 2013.
True Prosperity
We’re enrolling now.
We’re on a mission!!!! Would you like to join us?
Whatever your current circumstances…
May You Be Ready To Celebrate Financial Freedom Soon and Very Soon!
Photo by Flickr (Scott Butner)
Davida Yemi-Akanle says
Thanks Jory, Interesting definitions of financial freedom…. My definition is to have money working for you so that you could be free to use your time to do what you were really you’ve been created to do, serving the people you have been created to serve without money calling the shots. I think I see it as being positioned rightly in God’s plan and in his field for me.
I totally agree, it does require a plan, the right plan, most people end up spending their lives working a plan that never had the potential to deliver such freedom in the first place Another great post!
Jory Fisher says
Wonderful addition, Davida! Thank you. Having our $ working FOR us so we can fulfill our calling sounds great to me! Next time I think my $ is trying to “call the shots,” as you say, I’ll be sure to make a mindset shift. (How’s that for a plan?)